Cultivating Your Creative Resources for New Ideas

Nov 30


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Recognizing and cultivating the creative resources in our everyday environment helps encourage idea development. By thinking outside the box we are better able to harness the potential our minds possess to think in a more innovative manner. Read on to learn 3 measures you can take to unleash the potential of your mind & 'actively' promote your own creative thinking abilities

Recognizing and cultivating the creative resources in our everyday environment helps encourage idea development. Unknowingly we are all guilty of not always identifying or engaging in situations that stimulate or more fully develop our creative thinking abilities. By thinking outside the box we are better able to harness the potential our minds possess to think in a more innovative manner. This of course leads to not only new ideas but also enhances our problem solving skills as well!

Here are 3 measures you can take to 'actively' promote your own creative thinking abilities to more fully develop any new or 'borrowed' ideas you may have.

Just Go Think

As simple as this may seem few set aside the time to go off and ponder and this is because of our busy schedules. In fact it is these hectic lives we all lead that help create the barriers that hinder our creative thinking capabilities. Our preoccupation with work,Cultivating Your Creative Resources for New Ideas Articles family matters, social issues and finances alone  keep our minds working (stressing) overtime. To tap more deeply into the potential of what your mind can produce you must first clear out the clutter. Setting aside time to do just that and get your mind in a more relaxed state will be more conducive to thinking outside the box. Of course the box being referred to here are the constraints our lives present!

Capture the Thoughts of Others

Invariably comments and statements are made by others during the course of any given day that contain 'sparkles' of light or 'nuggets' of wisdom upon which great ideas can be developed. The key is to pay more attention to your environment and what is being said. Learning to be prepared to capture and/or make note of what you have heard or read will allow you to stockpile thoughts for future reference and idea development.

Birth Your Ideas

Do not overlook or disregard any partial thoughts or ideas you have floating around in your head because believe you me they are there. In most cases they seem insignificant but this is only because they are not fully developed. Capture the premise on paper before it sinks back into the recesses of your mind. By doing this you can then expose these snippets to a more focused idea development session where you can expand upon and build these thoughts into something whole and useful!

By more readily identifying the creative resources that exist in our environment helps to encourage our idea development more fully. Getting away from structured or regimented settings helps to liberate the thinking process and more fully tap into the potential of your mind. Opportunities exist that will help to free the mind and encourage thinking outside the box in the 3 suggestions reviewed above. In doing so you will be better able to cultivate not only any new ideas you may have but your problem solving skills as well!