What is life? What does it mean to be a success? What ... all the ... it's ... for you to know the answers. - ... else's answers. Not the ... 101 ...
What is life? What does it mean to be a success? What is
Why all the questions?
Because it's important for you to know the answers. - Not
somebody else's answers. Not the Philosophy 101 textbook
answers. And, of course, looking up the definitions in Webster's
doesn't count. The important answers to these questions, the
best ones, are your answers, your definitions.
When you have your answers to these questions you also have a
framework, a foundation, for your life and what you do with it.
Answering these questions helps you create a benchmark for
determining whether or not you are being true to your self and
really doing the things that bring you joy. If you don't decide
that "Success = XX" then how do you know if you're successful?
If don't decide that "Life is XXXX", how do you know if you're
really living?
If you've already got the answers, consider them closely. Are
they really, truly, 100% yours? If yes, great! If you weren't
the one to create the definition success that you use, who did?
Likewise, if you haven't yet defined it, then whose definition
of life are you following? If it wasn't you, chances are you're
attempting to fulfill somebody else's idea of what success
should be. For most people, that's a direct route to misery.
After all, whose life is it anyway?
If your answer is "It's my life!" then start defining your life
today! Create your personal definition of success. Determine on
your own when and how you'll truly be successful and what your
life will look like each and every day. You'll soon discover
that the more you define your life the more you'll live the fine
life that you truly desire.
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... with someone, ... rapport, does not haveto be a ... thing, although many people find it so.Here are ten key points to remember whenever you set off tomeet new ... BeExtreme Self Care
How much do you want to do in this life? Is the list ofthings you hope to ... lengthy and ... are that you have many plans still left to ... do all of those things, you must stHow to Ask for the Help You Need
1. ... if you don't make the request, it will NEVER happen. Wayne Gretzky once said, "One hundred percent of the shots I don't make don't go in." ... the unasked question is never answered