Passion Pushes You Forward - So Do What You Know and Love!The process of starting a business or choosing a careeris very ... and ... at the same time. It's agood type of stress, but stress
Passion Pushes You Forward - So Do What You Know and Love!
The process of starting a business or choosing a career
is very enjoyable and stressful at the same time. It's a
good type of stress, but stress nonetheless. One way to
keep your sanity in the midst of growth is to do what you know!
Let's say that your vision is to teach business, personal
development and internet classes. Narrow the list down to 4
or 5 classes that can teach in your sleep! Well, don't take
me literally...please!! Teach classes on subjects you've
taught before or topics with which you're very familiar.
Or maybe your vision is to operate a full-service,
5-employee virtual assistant business -- the premier place
clients stop for all their services. Here comes potential
client "X" wanting you to re-design a database for use on
their web site. You take on the job knowing that you don't
have any knowledge about databases or web sites. My question
for you is why?
If you are just starting a business or growing your career,
here are some questions to ask yourself...
~~What are you passionate about?
~~What is that "something" thatyou do as a volunteer or
would do without being paid?
~~What do you do in your business now, that is very familiar.
~~What would taking that skill to the next level look like?
~~What skills do you have now, that others can benefit from,
and that will generate an income for you?
~~What are you doing to build a strong business or career foundation?
Build your confidence slowly and surely as you build a strong
foundation. Start with what you know! I bet you know plenty!
Questions to Help You Design Your E-zine
Are you looking to grow your business one member at a time? Then start your own e-zine. Be careful to decide just what you want your e-zine to be and be ... in sending it out. If you don't enjoBusiness Success Checklist. Where is YOUR Business?
Business Success ... do you start to plan your ... What is ... should you ... Where do you start? Use ... below to guide you as you build a strong, ...Do You Remember To Send Nice Notes?
In the past few years, the look of ... has changed -for the better I believe. Money ... spend on ... (PR) has ... and has become a ... Even on the Interne