Does Your Work Schedule Got You Down?
Are you fighting a losing battle with your work schedule? For anybody who works online it is important that the working schedule they organize be realistic as well as properly targeting priorities! Read further to see 3 hidden dangers that face anybody online when they repeatedly over-load their day with too much to do.
Are you fighting a losing battle with your work schedule? For anybody who works online it is important that the working schedule they organize be realistic as well as properly targeting priorities! It is understandable for anybody growing a business that they may be a bit ambitious in terms of what they want to achieve on a daily basis. On the other hand there are hidden dangers in trying to stuff too much into your working schedule as well. A certain mixture of realism and ambition should be called upon when planning your day so you will not unknowingly sabotage both your efforts and motivation.
Here are 3 hidden dangers that face anybody who works online when they repeatedly over load their day with too much to do.
Inferior Effort
Trying to do too many things normally ends with the same results,

a busy day with little in terms of results to show for the effort. In fact your focus becomes too widely dispersed leading to a decrease in the quality of your work. When growing a business the gains you make come from the successful completion of many tasks and not a long list of partially completed projects and questionable workmanship! Giving yourself the time and ability to focus properly increases your chances of completing more assignments with your best efforts! The better the job the bigger the gains!
Reinforces Wrong Message
Developing a working schedule is the same as establishing a list of goals! When you repeatedly finish the day without completing everything you have set out to do you come to accept that as the norm. This is a very bad signal to be sending yourself since it is actually reinforcing failure! If you have any desire of being successful online you will need to become very good at achieving your goals. Accepting failure should not even be an option since you are willing to settle for less than your best and this will NOT bring success! At this point you are not only accepting but expecting to fall short of the objectives you set!
Negative Reinforcement
Now the real danger takes hold because once to become accustom to not getting things completed you begin to develop a 'defeatist' type of attitude. Possessing the attitude of 'why even bother since you never reach your goals anyway' will eventually keep you from even trying! For anybody who works online self motivation is a key and significant asset and without it you will never succeed!
For anybody who puts together their own work schedule it is essential that they keep their goals realistic. This is especially true for anybody who works online since the tendency to overload their working schedule is actually quite common! This is due mainly to the fact most online entrepreneurs have little or no previous experience in growing a business and the time involved to do so. It is admirable that people tend to be overly ambitious when developing their working schedule but this could also do more harm then good! The 3 hidden dangers of continually 'biting off more than you can chew' in terms of scheduling your day are reviewed above. As you can see the negative effects associated with continually falling short of your goals can actually keep anybody who works online from being successful!