Stress exhaustion is a mixture of emotional and physical exhaustion as a result of lengthened stress situations. When you combine stress exhaustion with lack of sleep and lack of sufficient rest, it can be highly incapacitating. Individuals who suffer from stress exhaustion always feel overwhelmed by just about everything around them. It is also not uncommon to find majority of such individuals feeling helpless and frustrated. If not addressed on time, stress exhaustion can lead to life threatening health conditions.
Stress exhaustion is a mixture of emotional and physical exhaustion as a result of lengthened stress situations. When you combine stress exhaustion with lack of sleep and lack of sufficient rest,

it can be highly incapacitating. Individuals who suffer from stress exhaustion always feel overwhelmed by just about everything around them. It is also not uncommon to find majority of such individuals feeling helpless and frustrated. If not addressed on time, stress exhaustion can lead to life threatening health conditions.
First off, stress exhaustion has a direct effect on the immune system, which happens to be the first line of defense against diseases. High levels of stress biologically release stress hormones that depress the body’s immune system. While in the short term this depression may not have adverse effects, with time as the levels continue to rise, the immune system will be totally compromised by these hormones. Needless to mention, it will lead to heart disease, depression, stroke, and high vulnerability to diseases.
Effect of stress exhaustion can also be felt on one’s working performance as one’s decision making and analytical skills will be really compromised. Sadly, stress exhaustion affects people of all sexes, ages, occupations, classes, races, etc. for a housewife who has to juggle different tasks a day, or a student who has lots of schoolwork to do combine with work demands, stress exhaustion can really weigh them down.
To counter stress exhaustion, stress relief techniques should be used, with the first and easiest technique being getting enough sleep. If you have poor sleeping habits, there are a number of techniques which can help you, such as setting a regular sleep timetable, avoiding stimulants, foods, and lots of exercise a few hours before your scheduled sleep time. Your bedroom should be orderly, quiet, and very calm to help you relax and fall asleep without any distractions.
Stress should also be maintained at a healthy manageable level, and people should never bury their stress and pretend all is well. Always know what causes your stress and address the issues head-on. Developing and maintaining a balanced healthy lifestyle is another great stress relief technique. Equally, always try to socialize outside your purported comfort zone so that you can get an alternative to your stressful environment. Meditation, religious self help groups, and body relaxation techniques are other great stress relief techniques that will get rid of stress and ease your body off stress exhaustion.
If you can manage to reduce your stress levels before reaching a stage of stress exhaustion, be guaranteed of a happier and healthy life as you’ll reduce all chances of compromising your body’s immune system for infectious and stress-related conditions. When stress levels are extremely high to a point of no return, it might do you good to seek professional help and guidance. Luckily, once you identify the main cause of your stress, and find the most effective stress relief techniques that work for your specific type of stress, you can rest assured that stress exhaustion is an avoidable condition.