Feelings are the only things that matter
People may forget what you said; they may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.
A recent article in a newspaper spoke about a wooden plank crashing down on a man’s head in a railway station,
and sending him into a coma. While the public did what they could to help the man, railway officials, practically washed their hands off the whole matter, saying it was not their business.
How often have we been witnesses to traumatic incidents and simply walked away, either callously, or because ‘if we help we may be questioned by the police” or “forget him, we’ll be late for work.”
There have been a number of times when people lying on the road, and here we are talking about both, men and women, have been ignored and condemned for being drunk. In some cases it could be true but in many, the reason could be anything but alcohol.
A friend once admitted that he had bypassed a man lying on the road presuming he was heavily under the influence of alcohol. He ignored the man’s pleas for help and he actually abused him for being in his way. A couple of days later when he attended the funeral of his friend’s father, he found that the deceased was none other than the person whom he had seen on the road that day. The man had died of a heart attack just about an hour or so after our friend had walked past him. Our friend was overcome with guilt, but it was too late. The feelings came much too late.
Let’s not go that far. Let’s take our parents. How much time do we spend with them?
Now that’s a funny question? You wouldn’t ask that question if you were as busy as we are. We are both working (husband and wife). We come home late in the evenings. We have children of our own to take care of. And what’s the problem anyway? We give our parents everything two meals a day, breakfast, tea, biscuits, etc. And whatever they need. If they are ill we drive them to the doctor’s, we buy their medicines and we make sure the maid gives it to them. We don’t deprive them of anything.
Nope. Not anything, except your time, and your feelings for them.
Did we hear wrong? Did you say “we make sure the maid gives it to them?” That’s beautiful, really beautiful. How considerate.