Sometimes we can be sad and not even know it.Here you can find a description of how you can make the journey from sadness to joy
Have you ever wanted to be happy?
Did you know that many people remain sad or in a 'low' depression for much of their lives without being so aware of it. You may be the life and soul of the party, but because you want to make others happy and not necessarily because you are feeling happy yourself. You would be surprised at how many people put on a happy face because at some deeper level they don't want to be rejected.
Deep down there is often no concrete sense of self. Directing all of your attention to other people can result in you losing touch with who you essentially are.
Many people survive for years on getting their sense of self worth or value from others yet sooner or later your own emptiness will catch up with you since you are missing out on your own very important needs and essential nurturing. This often has a way of showing up in the body, giving you a signal you can't ignore as you find yourself starting to suffer from a whole range of aches, pains and illnesses, one after another. Your body is telling you that it is 'stopping you in your tracks until you learn to look after yourself in a more nurturing way.'
It is an invitation to let go of being so busy looking after others and to take some time out to find out what you need for you. You may find that your first experience is one of of facing a dark, deep emptiness or void inside. This is natural and will change. It is because you have gradually, over the years, lost touch with who you essentially are.
At this point the healing journey can begin. There may be some tears.Waves of previously repressed feelings may start to flow out - loneliness, abandonment, low self worth, maybe even anger. At first you might not even know what you are crying about. Gradually, as you begin to hear what your body is trying to say the pain will lessen and your body will start to relax in response to your attention and self nurturing. You'll start to smile easily and genuinely from the inside. A smile that is for you and which overflows into a natural sharing, free from fear.
During this healing time there are various tools, techniques and processes available to make the transition more smooth ...mindfulness and dynamic meditation techniques, inner journey processing and energy therapies to name a few. As you begin nurturing your inner 'lost child' you'll feel yourself growing stronger from the inside. Maybe there was a fear of being punished for taking delight in oneself and one's surroundings. Maybe the family would interpret these actions as being disloyal, for example, because you were not grieving like they were.
You can stop taking all of the darker family feelings onto your shoulders. For the first time in your life you may find yourself beginning to know or taste what it really means to be truly happy. Life suddenly seems somehow to be more vibrant and beautiful as you learn to flow with a new way of being and seeing. The exquisite delicate soft white petals of a newly opened flower. You will be able to enjoy RECEIVING love... a body that moves easily and flexibly in response to uplifting or upbeat music.
And as you open into this higher natural vibration the happiness will spread, like a magnificent yet very soft and fine wave of gratitude, lifting up your heart and the corners of your mouth in appreciation of so many things, small and large in your daily life and interactions. You have come home to true happiness that wells up from inside, overflowing naturally outwards without fear as pure and abundant joy.
Of course you may still sometimes fall into old patterns and have a tear or two now and again but if you have the tools to deal with it whenever it arises then you need never feel overwhelmed and helpless again. The ground of your being is rooted in an abundance that is always here, always present, which just needed you to peel away the dark layers that had been covering it up all those years
It makes the reunion all the more sweet and delightful.
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