Have you ever heard the saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get?" Guess what? That's the way it is with creative inspiration too.
Don't Wait For Creative Inspiration
Graham Green, the famous English writer, attributes much of his success to a simple habit: He forced himself to write at least 500 words daily, whether he felt like it or not. Creative inspiration can strike at any time, but it strikes more often when there is work instead of waiting.
Don't Expect Creativity To Come Uninvited
If you want to have creative ideas for inventions, start redesigning everything you see. Imagine a better light bulb, a faster way to serve food, or a better lamp. Do this for three weeks, and it will become a habit. It's also a good way to pass time while driving or waiting for an appointment.
If you want creative ideas for poems, take random words, use one per line, and start writing anything. We created a game (Deal-A-Poem) from this technique, and my wife has had poems published that were created in this way. Your mind will begin to find a poetic use for any word if you use this method often.
Would you like to have something unique to say about any topic? Train your mind to take other perspectives. What would Ghandi say? How would a martian view this? The point isn't to ask silly questions, but to see what creative ideas are suggested by other perspectives. Do this until it's a habit, and you'll usually have something interesting to add to a conversation.
Work, and you'll have more opportunity for creative ideas. Train your mind, and you'll have more creative ability. There's your two-step guide to greater creativity.
Why A Team For Real Estate Investment?
I had a hard time at first with real estate investment. One of the reasons was that I tended to be a "lone wolf," trying to do too much myself. I've since learned that to really do well investing in real estate, you need to have a team of people you can trust and rely on. Here are some possible team members, and what they need to be on the team.Wilderness Survival Backpacking Tips
Why should you learn wilderness survival skills just for backpacking? They may save your life someday, and for ultralight enthusiasts like myself, skills replace gear, and therefore weight. The best reason, however, may be that it's just a good feeling to know you can deal with whatever comes up. It makes you feel more at home.Writing Persuasive Articles
You may be wondering what persuasive writing has to do with articles. After all, you're not exactly selling something with an informative article, are you? Yes, you are. You at least want persuade the reader to keep reading until he gets to your link at the bottom. Use the following tips to get more traffic by writing persuasively.