The days of being single can be filled with joy or despair, depending on how you view them. But the choice is really up to you. You can choose to be h...
The days of being single can be filled with joy or despair, depending on how you view them. But the choice is really up to you. You can choose to be happy and enjoy your alone time, or you can choose to be lonely and upset and sit and wait for your prince or princess to come along. The choice is up to you, but wouldn't you rather be happy?
The way to be happy when you are single is to understand what there is to be happy about! If you can't think of anything then you are spending way too much time thinking about what you are missing out on instead of what you are receiving by being single.
The point is you need to shift your focus. Your focus is powerful. It can cause you to be happy or be miserable depending on where you put it. If you focus on how lonely you are then you are going to see nothing but loneliness. If you focus on how sad you are then you are going to see nothing but sadness. But if you shift your focus onto some other positive emotion, like lucky, then you are going to focus on how lucky you are!
1 Huge Thing to Be Happy About When You Are Single
Try to turn your attention away from the loneliness or desire to have someone for a while and start focusing on this following word instead: Freedom.
Your freedom is something worth focusing on! You can do what you want, when you want, without having to answer to a partner. Freedom is something to enjoy and take advantage of! If you didn't have your freedom you would miss it, but you can't see that because you're so busy waiting to give up your total freedom.
Freedom gives you the independence to do what you want to do to benefit you. For instance, if you feel like you are getting a headache and you don't feel like going out to the grocery store then you have the choice to stay in, but in a relationship you have to give and take. You can't demand to stay in because you don't 'feel' like going out, especially if you have no groceries and your partner is hungry and can't go themselves. There are a million examples like this.
Be happy that you have complete and total freedom right now. It's not that you will lose your freedom completely when you are in a relationship, but there will be much more compromising going on when you are. Enjoy the ability to:
A lot of young people get into a relationship and find they don't know who THEY truly are when they are older because they never had a chance to discover themselves without influence. This is the great thing about single right now, you can take the time to figure out who you are! This is something that you should appreciate as it will make you a much stronger partner when you do get into a relationship.
Take this time to figure out what you really enjoy and where you really want to go in life. You have no one influencing your dreams and desires with theirs, so take advantage of it! Dream big and go after those dreams.
Remember that in order to be happy while you are single, you have to shift your focus to things that are worth being happy about. Freedom is the ultimate thing to appreciate when you are single. Take a look around and figure out what type of freedom you are happy about.
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