"To discover your true destiny, you must first explore what it is that you want out of life. If you desire prosperity and happiness, you need to initiate two key elements: intuition and motivation -- the rest comes naturally."
How does one discover his/her true destiny? Is there really a natural order to the Universal flow of energy in which your future is predetermined? That depends entirely on you. You see, the difference between destiny and fate is that while fate is the final outcome; destiny requires an essential component of participation: YOU.
To discover your true destiny, you must first explore what it is that you want out of life. If you desire prosperity and happiness, you need to initiate two key elements: intuition and motivation -- the rest comes naturally.
Using your inner wisdom, focus on your past and the current course of your life. Where have you been, and in what direction are you headed at this moment? Think carefully now. All this time, for what have you been striving? If you're pining to become a teacher, a doctor, a singer, an expeditionist, a sports athlete, a parent, a homeowner, business owner, or a ballet dancer...what's stopping you? What have you done to become the person you want to be?
You discover your destiny by looking within your heart to find out who you really are, and who you want to become. Like an intuitive angler, cast out your line and "fish" for your heart's desires. You might be surprised at the catch you land.
If your destiny is to lead the lifestyle of dreams, then you must begin to play the part by designing your outcome. Tap into your higher consciousness so you can realize your potential; and begin to truly explore the sea of opportunities that lie affront of you, and all around you. That's how destinies are discovered and made. The rest is up to you.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Intuition Girl© Copyright - All Rights ReservedHow to Discover Your True DestinyBy Joan Marie Whelan
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her much anticipated first book, “Soul- Discovery: 9 Principles for Revealing Your Sacred Gifts" is now available. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to: www.joanmariewhelan.com and click on membership programs.
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