In this hectic, modern world of ours there is often a great need for us to slow down, calm ... and find some peace and quiet. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. Plan daily "quiet time"
In this hectic, modern world of ours there is often a great need for us to slow down, calm ourselves, and find some peace and quiet. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
1. Plan daily "quiet time"
The best way to quiet down is to plan 30-minutes (or more) of daily quiet time. Time you can spend quietly, with yourself and your thoughts.
2. Create a noise-free zone
Designate one room of your house as a noise-free zone where family members can go relax.
3. Turn off the television/radio
Do you leave your t.v. or radio on as "background noise?" If so, try turning them off.
4. Turn off your telephone, especially at night
Nothing is more disturbing than the shrill ring of a telephone when you are trying to relax. Turn off your phone's ringer. Let the answering machine or voicemail system get a message.
5. Turn off your cel phone
In fact, leave it at home. After a while you may find that you don't even need it.
6. Turn off your beeper
Do you *really* need to be contactable every minute of every day?
7. Turn off your computer
Today, we receive as much information in a single day as a person did in an entire year in the early 1900 's. A large portion of that wave of information comes from our daily contact with the computer... so turn it off. Check your email tomorrow. Give your mind a rest.
8. Get away from the kids, the pets, etc.
Ask a friend or family member to babysit/petsit for you for a day or two. (Then help them get some quiet time and return the favor.)
9. Take a nap
We are much more sensitive to the stress noise creates when we are lacking sleep. So take a nap and recharge your batteries.
10. Take a hike!
Literally. If you're going to surround yourself with noise, then surround yourself with the noise of nature. Reconnect with yourself and with the natural world around you, stroll around your favorite park or recreation area.
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