Discover 9 rejuvenating tips on how to maximize your time and how to get rid of clutter.
Saturday was one of those days when I needed to work and I wanted time to do some fun stuff like quilting a quilt for my daughter. I set the timer and worked on work stuff one hour and then I did the fun stuff for two hours. I did this for several hours and I was really energized. I got a lot of work done and a lot of fun things I wanted to get done besides.
I am always getting rid of clutter in my home and in the homes of my clients. Besides getting rid of clutter I think making time for fun in our lives is just as important. One of the best ways to do this is to maximize our time.
Try these 9 rejuvenating tips to maximize your time.
1. How many times have you visited a doctor's,

dentist, hairdresser or someone else that you have needed to book another appointment? I bet many times. Always have your planner with you so you can write the next appointment down while you are in the office. If you have to go home and check your calendar you have already wasted several precious minutes because you have to call back to schedule. Just do it while you are there.
2. How many times have you driven to the library or gone to a book store only to find out the book you wanted is checked out or not in stock? Call ahead and find out if the book is available. Or go on line and check to see if you can buy the book and have it delivered right to your door.
3. Order stamps on line. It doesn't matter how much your order is you can order postal supplies online and they only charge a $1.00 shipping fee. You can also mail packages from your home. The USPS web site has a lot of information on how to use their services from the comfort of your home.
4. Catalogs can actually save you time. You can find what you want and order on line. Think of the time you'll save not out hunting for what you want, waiting in line and the cost of fuel. Not only does purchasing from the Internet save you time but it can save you money as well.
5. Get your name off junk mail lists. Then for the few that creep back into your home put them in the recycle bin without taking it into your home.
6. How much time do you spend reading email or other social networking sites? It can easily be distracting and such a time waster. Set up a certain length of time to be on social networking sites and checking email every day. Set a timer, you'll be surprised at how quickly time passes.
7. When running errands make a list before you ever leave home. Number the places you are going in the order that you will go to them to save you time.
8. We have all been told setting goals is a good way to save time because it helps us to be focused. Along with setting a goal, attach a deadline. This is a real motivator for me. I find not only do I work more efficiently but I work faster because I want to reach or beat my deadline.
9. Use your DVR or whatever method you use to record your favorite TV programs. Then when you watch them you can zip past the commercials. This saves at least 15 to 20 minutes by skipping the commercials on an hour long show.
Are you rejuvenated just thinking and planning how you are going to save time so you'll have more time to do the things you really want to do? That might mean taking a nap or more time to mediate. It doesn't mean you have to be doing more activities.