How to Relieve your Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety is something that affects millions everyday. Anxiety symptoms plague people of all ages. Anxiety symptoms can destroy a person's life if it is not handled properly. The anxiety symptoms vary in degree from children to adults. Anxiety symptoms can be quite overwhelming. Every person deserves a productive, enjoyable life, free from anxiety symptoms.
Imagine that you are walking down a hallway and the walls are closing in on you. You see the end of the hall as you are running full speed toward the light,

but you cannot run fast enough, the walls are closing in on you! This is how anxiety makes people feel. You worry that you cannot make it to the end of that hall no matter how hard you try, and while you are trying, your huffing and puffing, and feeling as if you cannot breathe. Anxiety is something that affects millions everyday. It is a feeling of worry, a feeling of disaster, and dread is the focus. Anxiety symptoms plague people of all ages. Anxiety symptoms plague those that worry constantly about family, work, health, and money, just to name a few. Not only do the anxiety symptoms physically affect the person, but also they interfere with daily functions such as going to school, work, and relationships.Anxiety symptoms include intense headaches, sweating, irritability, muscle tension, nausea, and tiredness. People ridden with anxiety feel on edge a lot of the time. Often times, people with anxiety have troubled relationships with friends and family due to always feeling they have to be on guard against whatever bad may come to them. Other anxiety symptoms include tiredness, trembling, difficulty focusing on a task at hand, and difficulty falling and staying asleep. Many people with anxiety also feel shortness of breath and often gasp for air.Another good example of an anxiety disorder is to imagine you are drowning and you are sinking to the bottom. You can see the top and move your arms, but you are not getting there fast enough. When you finally reach the surface, you gasp for air and draw the attention of many around you. This happens to many people with anxiety in the middle of the mall, in the classroom, or in a social setting.The cause of an anxiety disorder is attributed to many factors one example is genetics. Genetics is the passing of traits from parents to offspring. Genetics plays a large role in many disorders; anxiety disorders are at the top of that list. Another factor at the top of the list includes factors from the environment, such as abuse, death, and basic changes in life. These environmental factors cause change that can be difficult to handle.Anxiety symptoms can destroy a person's life if it is not handled properly. The anxiety symptoms vary in degree from children to adults. Maybe a simple solution would be to talk it out with a friend or family member, meditate, or to just simply take a walk. Many people with anxiety disorder often have or can develop other disorders, such as depression, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. That is why it is important to try and handle anxiety symptoms. If a person is not comfortable with seeing a professional at first, they should talk it out with someone and try a self-help book for anxiety. There are many books written by fabulous doctors that have made a difference in many lives.As with any situation, stressful or not, it is best to start with baby steps. Anxiety symptoms can be quite overwhelming. Whether it is a child in school or an adult, anxiety symptoms need to be acknowledged and addressed. Anxiety is a reaction to stress, but when it is disabling a person, it needs to be handled. Every person deserves a productive, enjoyable life, free from anxiety symptoms.