Improving Your Reading To Attain Better Grades

Mar 6


Ian Shilton

Ian Shilton

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Improving Your Reading-All you [need


Being a student comes with a lot of anxiety and hassle and most of the time it seems that you have little or no opportunity to improve your reading. You have a bunch to get through and not much opportunity to do it all. If that's not enough,Improving Your Reading To Attain Better Grades Articles you have the pressure to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. This just adds to the strains you already feel inside and improving your reading skills is certainly not on your list of priorities. However, many students are finding that putting the time in to improving their reading skills pays off in dividends when the exams come around.

You will need to take notes in class as a student. This is an excellent chance to improve your reading. Take your notes and make it your business to understand them fully by a certain date. This means cramming, re-reading and reading slowly. These actions are all helpful in making your reading superior. So by using your notes as a kind of tool towards bettering your reading, you are meeting a second goal, that of learning your curriculum materials inside out.

Improving your reading with a dictionary

You need to make sure you have a dictionary handy at all times to improve your vocabulary. A thesaurus will help too. Remember to use your notes to help you here by referring to your dictionary for words you don't understand. This will make sure you increase your vocabulary.

To make sure that your reading speed overall improves; you need to practice for 15-20 minutes per day. So what you have to do is read for this long every day as fast as you can. You could stumble and pause on the words. However, your overall reading will improve dramatically the more you practice. But, you should check your comprehension afterwards. Writing a summary is the best method to do this, after you have been reading as fast as you can. And again, by writing a summary of what you read, you are building up an academic skill that will stand you in good stead when you have to set up similar styles of writing for your revision.

Advancing your reading is no painless task. But if you choose to utilise it to improve your marks you can use your course notes to assist you. Boost your word power by using your dictionary and have a reading routine that you stick too, that's what it's all about. Your grades can only improve once you have a structured routine in place.

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