When we're not right with ... we're not right with the world, and we're not right with our God. It happens to the best of us, brings out the worst in us, and effects the rest of us. No one can
When we're not right with ourselves, we're not right with the world, and we're not right with our God. It happens to the best of us, brings out the worst in us, and effects the rest of us.
No one can help us until we're ready to help ourselves. Often, the least thing has become insurmountable. If we knew how to make it right, surely, most would.
Since the beginning of time, people have prayed prayers for help and guidance that appear to go unheard. God has a better plan than taking us around a problem. It is to our advantage, working a far greater glory, when He takes us through.
Bloom where you are planted, do what you know to do, take the step provided. Then, He'll show you the next step and the next.
One day, you'll look back to discover God was growing a most beautiful flower for His garden and that flower was you; sure, steady, faithful, and strong.
Don't think it strange when God chooses you for a time of growth, I Pe. 4:17. He wants to love you in ways you've never dreamed. In all things we are more than conquerors, when we go through it with Him that loved us, Ro. 8:37.
~ There's No Place Like It ~
There's no place like forgiveness,
Down deep within your heart.
There's no place like cleanliness,
Where sin first got its start.
There's no place like some laughter,
Where sadness once contained.
There's no place like having joy,
Where contentment remains.
There's no place like fulfillment,
Where emptiness once lived.
There's no place like in living,
Once you've learned how to give.
© by Joyce C. Lock
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.
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