This article will present a plan to help you make personal changes that is cheaper than counseling and probably more effective. It's all about killing monsters.
I'm going to teach you about killing babies - monster babies that is. Let me explain. I was thinking about the idea that we don't perform any act or do anything without thinking about it first. A thought has to enter our mind before we ever do anything. Sometimes we purposely think thoughts and other times we could be minding our own business and a thought will just pop into our head without our invitation. But the point being that you don't act without first thinking about it. So if we can eliminate the thought in the first place then we will never perform the action.
Our negative or bad thoughts are like monsters. They begin small but tend to grow until they can nearly destroy us. It's much easier to kill these monsters when they are babies than when they are fully grown.
The PlanSo here's the plan. Think about the negative action or habit you want to get rid of. Then determine what negative thought or thoughts precede that action or habit. Then you take some money, say $50 or $100 and you go to the bank and you exchange it for one-dollar bills. Every day that you go the entire day without dwelling upon the negative thought - meaning every time the thought comes to you, and you immediately get rid of it, you take one dollar and put it into a jar or a bank or envelope. So, you have a stack of $1 bills and every day that you are successful you take one dollar and put it in your jar. The idea is that after five days of not dwelling on the chosen negative or bad thought then you should have five one-dollar bills in your jar.
Now, if you mess up one day and actually dwell upon the thought then you must give the money away. I'm not even talking about performing the negative act itself. I'm just talking about dwelling upon the thought. If you do that then you have failed for that day and then all the money you have in the jar you have to give away - either to charity or the beggar on the street or anybody - you must give it away.
Set a Goal
So you set yourself a goal, a small goal at first, say thirty days. You want to go thirty days and every time that you complete a day without dwelling on the negative thought then you add a dollar to your jar. Then after thirty days you can take that money and reward yourself and splurge and buy yourself anything you want. Now that's not a lot of money but then the next goal will be sixty days. So you keep increasing your goal like that. The idea is to train your mind so that whenever the bad thoughts come into your mind, from whatever source, you immediately remove it, get rid of it.
The beauty of all of this is this: most people decide to stop a certain negative behavior or action when they're almost in the middle of it and at that point it's usually too late. It's like you've slid down a slippery slope and your are sliding so fast and the slope is getting steeper that it's almost impossible to stop and turn and climb back up. The idea is to stop yourself before you even get close to the edge of that slope - to deal with the problem when it's easy. So the beauty of all this is that you never have to deal with this great and terrible temptation because you never even get to that point. I have seen this work with myself and it's almost like magic.
You might say to yourself, "This could cost me a lot of money!" Yes, it could. But its much cheaper than going to counseling. Ask yourself how much it's worth to you to be rid of this habit. I guarantee that if you put this plan in place you will be amazed at the results. It really does train your brain. So, go out and kill some babies - monster babies.
Thank you.
A Letter to My Son on His 3rd Birthday
This morning I happened to be looking through one of my old journals from 19 years ago and came across an interesting journal entry. It was a letter to my son Neil on his 3rd birthday. I had totally forgotten that I had written this little gem to my son.The Law of Attraction Part 6 - Practical Application
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This is part 4 in my 6-part series of articles on the Law of Attraction. Today I want to show how the Law of Attraction involves two creations - a mental creation and a physical creation.