This old cliche really is true; learn how it affects anxiety here.
Our society,

and many others like it, is plagued by cliches, some of which are true, but most of which are not. Time will not be spent on arguing which ones are not true, but one that is true is that knowledge is power, and this article will demonstrate why this is true in relation to anxiety. The first thing that is important to know is that humans are incredibly complicated beings, and there is more to know about humans than one human can possibly know. However, one thing that is true is that knowledge is in fact power, and it helps one to increase one's quality of life, among a myriad of other things.
The Anxiety Support Network, aside from its focus as an anxiety forum dedicated to helping users in need, has a second focus, and that is to create a very comprehensive database on all things related to anxiety. This, in theory, could be a potentially infinite project.
The Anxiety Support Network article series is quickly becoming the definition of knowledge is power. For example, at this website, one can learn how to modify one's diet so that anxious effects resulting from diet are minimized. One can also learn how much to exercise and the benefits that has in relation to reducing anxiety. A person can also learn which natural supplements or rtificially-made medications are beneficial in reducing anxiety.
But, the list of things that a person can do does not end there, no way. In the article entitled The Anxiety Bible, the reader will learn that outside stressors, such as a lousy job, poor friends, poor relationship, or difficult family can be factors that should be minimized in treating one's anxiety. Counseling can also be sought out, and that is another anxiety-reducer. Biofeedback is suggested in The Anxiety Bible as a tool that is useful for some to reduce anxiety. Besides, this, it is also asserted that having a supportive social network, regrouping during burnout, and being aware of one's hypervigilance (which will be published in the future) are additional strategies one can use to reduce his or her anxiety level.
The point that the reader should take home from this is that the more one's knowledge and awareness expands, the more one's anxiety level reduces. If any one part of the preceding information is left out, one's anxiety level has a high probability of being higher than if the person had
awareness and understanding of that information. So, in fact, the more one knows, the better off one is.
As with all rules, however, there is an exception. One must have actual knowledge of something to know it. Many websites do not do research, do not write from personal experience, or sometimes just outright lie about what will work in different circumstances for different persons. To know something, one must actually try the technique out, experience it, and carefully consider its effects before confirming that one actually knows that technique is beneficial.
Most of the information in the preceding paragraphs works for most people, however, some of the techniques or points listed may not work for some people at all. People are different, sometimes greatly different, and no one rule fits all people in all places. So, for example, biofeedback may have a very high effect on one person, a moderate effect on another, or no effect at all for still another person. But, in general, biofeedback has a noticeable anxiety-reducing effect for many people, which is why it can be claimed to be effective in reducing anxiety.
In sum, it is clear that knowledge is power. However, one must be sure something is true and does in fact work for one's self before one confirms that he or she knows something is in fact effective. The more one tries, learns, understands, and finally knows, the better off one is. The Anxiety Support Network's goal is to become an effective forum for the average person, and also to be a comprehensive database filled with information so that anxiety-sufferers can gain knowledge, reduce anxiety, and lead a higher quality of life!