Today, prescriptions for dealing with depression, anxiety, stress and other similar ailments are at record highs. The need for these medicines did not even exist just a short while ago. What has happened to us? When our operating pace begins to infringe on our health, we should learn how to step back and evaluate the road we are on before it is too late.
God rested on the seventh day. Obviously, God set an example that we should all observe as well. Do you feel that you may know something that He doesn't? Then why don't we rest, and take time to relax? Often it is while in the state of relaxation that we come up with our greatest thoughts, ideas, inventions and solutions to problems. I have noticed this on many occasions, especially while sleeping. I'll wake up and realize that my subconscious mind has been examining a certain problem while I slept and provided me with the solution when I awakened!Often, we tend to think that we are too busy to take time for fun and relaxation. I submit that we need this time and that without it; we will ultimately reach a point of diminishing returns and simply burn out. As human beings, we are social creatures. We were designed for interaction with each other. We compete, cooperate, socialize, interact and love because we were designed to do so. If we work 60 – 70 hours per week, eliminating the weekend break and skipping vacations, we do not allow ourselves the necessary recharge that proper sleep, nutrition, relaxation, vacations and other personal time considerations afford us. Relaxation is not just for fun, it is necessary. If you don't believe that, you are simply kidding yourself and it will catch up with you sooner or later. You will soon become a person dependent upon sleep aids, gastro-intestinal and anxiety medicines, Excedrin and possible depression management drugs. Is that not too high a price for busy-ness?Step back. Look at where you are. What is the cost of your current lifestyle? Is it a fair trade for those things that you do not possess? Have you sacrificed your health or your family for the sake of your career? No one, while lying on their death bed, would ever want to leave this world worrying about work or some aspect of their job. Most people would lament over the time that they squandered, the loved ones they ignored and the life that they might have had.
The good news is that it is not too late! It is never too late to change. Start right now. Put things in their proper perspective and prioritize the time you have available to you. Make proper time for sleep, as this rejuvenates you each day. When you work, work hard. Pour yourself in and maximize your output. At the end of the day, make your plan for the next day and then turn it off. Find something that you can get lost in, whether it is a sport, a cause, a leisure activity or activities and with equal passion as for work. Play hard too. Enjoy yourself and learn to relax. Make time for family and friends. Enjoy life. I suspect that these changes will make you even more productive when you work! It is a win-win for you.
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