Living from the Heart with the Law of Attraction

Jul 15


Beth McCain

Beth McCain

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Living from the heart is one of the keys of applying the Law of Attraction and it isn't always the easiest thing to do but it is well worth it.


Our personal mantra within our business and within our own personal life is to live from the heart.  Living from the heart is something that you have to concentrate and constantly notice and use. 

Living from the heart at first can feel a bit uncomfortable.  Through your lifetime you have built up many walls to keep from being hurt or to keep from being taken by another person.  Our early experiences in childhood as well as our later experiences in life can cause us to put up walls to others around us because we want to avoid being hurt once again or we just don’t want others to know who we really are for fear they may ‘judge’ the person that we have come to be.   Taking down walls is like stripping away our securities walls that we have built to protect ourselves from being vulnerable and hurt.

We are still breaking down walls and are constantly reminding each other that no matter whom we speak with,Living from the Heart with the Law of Attraction Articles whether they are negative or positive, to live from the heart.  Live from the inner core being of you.  The place where you really are safe, secure and everything you say and do is the most wonderful thing no matter what it is.  When you can live from the heart and realize that your inner core being is who you are and no one can hurt you unless you focus on it, then life takes on a whole different meaning. You can walk into a room full of people and be safe in the fact that, you are a core being that has all the moves already, and you direct your physical through your core being to be what it desires through focus and intention.  Any new person you meet, give them the benefit of the doubt and see them for the core being that they are.  When you can reach in and see the core being in all and act accordingly, you are living from the heart.

So does this mean that you go through life trusting everyone and everything even when your caution voice tells you otherwise?  Of course not.  You have an inner voice that comes from the core being plane that tells you when to be careful.  Distinguish which voice belongs to logical, which voice belongs to fear, and which voice belongs to the core being.  When you do come across someone that just doesn’t feel right still live from the heart and use what you have learned in your experiences how to deal with this particular person.  You can still live from the heart with no matter what you have to deal with. 

Your core being is the real you.  And living through core being is living from the heart.

We thank the Universe each and every day for every one of you.  You are who we have attracted to our lives through the Law of Attraction and we are who you have attracted…the planets have aligned and let’s enjoy each other’s company knowing that we are living from the heart.

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