Make Every Second Count

Mar 2


David Dutch

David Dutch

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Life is beyond positive thinking for positive thinking sake.It is short, so enjoy life for every second that you live, no matter what negativity is going on around you, wars, famine, the economy are outside of your direct control so why let them prevent you from improving your future and enjoying life at this precise moment. If you cannot be happy now and enjoy life, when can you be happy? Live life by the second that is your NOW!


Life is beyond positive thinking for positive thinking sake. Do you find yourself looking to the future and hoping that it will be a better life than your past?

Are you like the majority of people living today longing for their future,Make Every Second Count Articles their retirement; getting a better job; earning more money. While they should enjoy life, they are prepared to postpone their happiness waiting for some future goal to come about.

Well perhaps this could shock one or two of you reading this article when I tell you to stop living for the future.

Let me ask you a couple of questions:

1} Can you change what has happened in your past?

2} Can you do something beyond positive thinking now that will change your life and make tomorrow better?

Now to me that is a no brainer, if I cannot alter what has happened in the past but can through positive affirmations put into action today something that will make my future a better place, there is only one choice >>>>>>> Carry out positive actions today to make my future better.

Now that we have established that, have you realized that you can only live for this fleeting moment,it is all you have control over, and as soon a one second passes it is gone for good, you will never ever get it back. If you want a successful future then you have to take some positive action this second as it will never return once it has passed.

You have got no time for negativity.

It is vital that you keep striving toward the betterment of your life, but you must also be able to enjoy yourself while you are creating a better life.

Life is short, so why should you not enjoy life for every second that you live, no matter what negativity is going on around you. Wars, famine, the economy are outside of your direct control so why let them prevent you from carrying out actions that will improve your future and help you enjoy life at this precise moment.

Fill your mind with negative emotions and you will feel negative, try it, tell yourself you feel down and have a headache coming on and you will. Fill your life with positive emotions and you underwrite your own future happiness and of those around you.

Once you realize that you can only effect this moment in your life you will set smart goals accordingly. Both your past and your future are abstracts of your mind. The only intimate, real experience is that of this moment, at this precise second (oops! Sorry there goes another one.) Within this moment is your ability to make changes in your life. If you cannot be happy now and enjoy life, when can you be happy?

Too many people allow seconds to slip by as if they were unimportant, the next second could be the most important second of your life. Try asking a dying person which is the most precious second?

Take this second to look around you, relax in the quietness of your mind. Going beyond positive thinking and goal setting, become aware of the world that surrounds you. To replace anxiety, relax your mind and stop focussing on your past or your future concentrate on the moment. You will gradually become aware of the NOW, the eternal now that you exist in, the vital seconds that are taking place as you relax. You will begin to feel the power that is available to you this very second and how it can be used to make tomorrow a brighter place where you will attain your new life and goals without stress or any forcing.

Live life by every second; they are your NOW.