Manifesting Tip: Balancing Obligations With Desires

Jul 15


Maria Meiners

Maria Meiners

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When you think of traditions and social obligations do you get stoked at the idea of another fun event? Or do you sigh heavily, maybe banging yo...


When you think of traditions and social obligations do you get stoked at the idea of another fun event?  Or do you sigh heavily,Manifesting Tip: Balancing Obligations With Desires Articles maybe banging your head against your desk as you contemplate the horror?

Let's face it: we all have certain obligations and traditions we're expected to uphold.  There's nothing wrong with it - our culture is based on tradition.  It's just that sometimes we just don't want to participate.

So from a Law of Attraction standpoint, how do we deal with those less than stellar occasions?

The first thing to remember is that in manifesting with Law of Attraction principles it's important to reach for the better feeling.  Better feelings always get you closer to what you want, while yucky feelings take you farther away from it. 

So in the purest sense the answer is simple:  if it makes you feel good then do it - if not then don't.

But what if neither makes you feel good?  Like if you don't want to participate but you also don't want do deal with the fallout if you don't?  What does Law of Attraction have to say about that?

If there's no clear winner as far as feelings go then the next step is to examine the event itself and figure out why you feel the way you do.  Thinking about the thing you want to do, ask yourself these questions:
  1. What is it about this thing that turns you off?
  2. Is there a certain person (or people) that you specifically don't want to deal with?
  3. If you could change it somehow to make it more enjoyable, what would be different?

Then, thinking about the possible fallout if you don't participate, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Who will be upset if I don't participate?
  2. What probably repercussions will there be?
  3. Have other people avoided this obligation and how have they suffered fallout?
  4. Is it possible that I'm exaggerating a bit on what people would think?

Once you have the answers, you'll be in a much better place to decide what to do.  It may turn out that things you thought were a big deal really weren't, and you can excuse yourself with ease.  Or it may be that you discover that you really don't mind participating (or even enjoy it) except for one or two aspects.

With that information you can formulate a solution that works for you and - as Law of Attraction says - reaches for the better feeling.  Which makes the obligation seem less obligatory and more enjoyable.

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