When you think of traditions and social obligations do you get stoked at the idea of another fun event? Or do you sigh heavily, maybe banging yo...
When you think of traditions and social obligations do you get stoked at the idea of another fun event? Or do you sigh heavily, maybe banging your head against your desk as you contemplate the horror?
Let's face it: we all have certain obligations and traditions we're expected to uphold. There's nothing wrong with it - our culture is based on tradition. It's just that sometimes we just don't want to participate.
So from a Law of Attraction standpoint, how do we deal with those less than stellar occasions?The first thing to remember is that in manifesting with Law of Attraction principles it's important to reach for the better feeling. Better feelings always get you closer to what you want, while yucky feelings take you farther away from it.
So in the purest sense the answer is simple: if it makes you feel good then do it - if not then don't.But what if neither makes you feel good? Like if you don't want to participate but you also don't want do deal with the fallout if you don't? What does Law of Attraction have to say about that?
If there's no clear winner as far as feelings go then the next step is to examine the event itself and figure out why you feel the way you do. Thinking about the thing you want to do, ask yourself these questions:Then, thinking about the possible fallout if you don't participate, ask yourself these questions:
With that information you can formulate a solution that works for you and - as Law of Attraction says - reaches for the better feeling. Which makes the obligation seem less obligatory and more enjoyable.
Manifesting Tip: Understanding Inspired Action
One of the steps in the manifesting process is to take inspired action toward your goal. But how do you know if the action you're about to take is inspired or not? Let's de-mystify this idea of inspired action right now.Manifesting Tip: Yes Busy CAN Equal Happys
Is the busyness of life making you crazy? Do you wish you could slow down for a minute, or find a way to fit it all in? Well yes, you can use Law of Attraction to maneuver through life's twists and turns, coming out feeling great in the process.Manifesting Tip: Clues and Signposts on the Road to Success
Learning to use the Law of Attraction to manifest what you want is an exciting journey! Along the way there are many signposts pointing you in many different directions. By learning read and interpret those signposts correctly you can arrive at your destination much more quickly.