Mastering The Art Of Asking Yourself Meta-Questions Daily

Jul 26


Mohammad Shafie

Mohammad Shafie

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To add to or even replace your daily habit of repeating affirmations or reading motivational quotes, you can also help yourself to a good, healthy dose of Meta-Questions.What are Meta-Questions?


Meta-Questions are simply honest and focused questions that are designed to manoeuvre your thinking process into a more constructive,Mastering The Art Of Asking Yourself Meta-Questions Daily Articles optimal (not necessarily optimistic) and pragmatic mental frame.

This especially helps when you are in the habit of waking up to generally very negative and pessimistic thought patterns in the morning. I know, because I am one of these people.

However, I've learnt to get around this problem by formulating my own set of effective questions to help me re-focus every morning on the big picture, my - corny as it may sound - "mission in life", and get me back on track.

Meta-Questions are one step above "normal" effective questions in that they not only aid in shifting your focus onto a more constructive plane of thinking, but they also add on to your efficiency and proficiency with the technique.

That means, the more you use Meta-Questions, the better you get at it. It's an exponential growth!

To start with, you can ask, "How can I formulate better questions every day?"

Then ask, "Why must I constantly think up better questions every day?"

And, "What will it be and feel like if the quality of questions that I keep asking every day improves?"

My favourite variation of this set of questions will be like this -

"How can I ask myself better questions today than yesterday? How can I ask myself even better questions tomorrow than today?"

"Why must I ask myself better questions today than yesterday? Why must I ask myself even better questions tomorrow than today?"

"What if I am asking myself better questions today than yesterday? What would it feel like if I am asking myself even better questions tomorrow than today?"

To make things even better, add these questions -

"How can I use these even better questions to improve every facet of my life every day?"

"Why must I use these even better questions to improve every facet of my life every day?"

"What would it be and feel like once I use these even better questions to improve every facet of my life every day?"

"How can I act upon the answers, ideas and insights I get from asking myself better & better questions every day?"

"Why must I act upon the answers, ideas and insights I get from asking myself better & better questions every day?"

"What would it be and feel like if I act upon the answers, ideas and insights I get from asking myself better & better questions every day?"

"How do I know if an idea which I think of will be the best and most optimal possible solution to put into action in the current situation?"

And the list goes on. I hope you know now how the pattern goes. You should be able to create your own set of Meta-Questions by now, from the extensive list of examples I provide above.

These questions work like compound interest. Only that you don't have to invest any money up front, and the returns are more rewarding - far, far more rewarding - than what dollars and cents can give you.

A good idea would be to print out your set of Meta-Questions as beautifully as possible, using your favourite publishing or image editing software, and put them up somewhere you can see them every day.

10 to 20 minutes of calm and concentrated contemplation upon these questions would suffice in expanding your personal power and effectiveness in your daily life.