In this article you will discover ways to consciously create your future to be different from the past. To move from the way things have been and create what you truly want in it's place.
Copyright (c) 2008 Fia Crandall
I imagine you are feeling called to move your life to a bigger place. That you have a vision of what you would truly love your life to be that you have been focusing on for some time, taking action, growing and learning all you can to make it happen. Doing all you can to make it become your reality.
Deep within you, you feel a subtle knowing that life can truly be good, that there is more for you to be, do, and have in this life. That life truly is meant to be abundant and you can somehow make that abundance your reality.
I had felt that truth within me from the moment I picked up a spiritual-type book. Deep down we all know this to some extent, that life can be as amazing as you can envision it.
And maybe you are aware that the energy on the planet is changing. Becoming more supportive of living in a higher vibration. We now have the opportunity to shift lifetimes of growth within this life. We have the opportunity and are now able to create a new life within this life we're living.
I'm sure you've seen it for yourself. Think back to 5 years ago... What was your every day life like back then? How did you feel about yourself? How did you feel from day to day? Feel like a different life than now?
I know that's what it feels like to me. I truly believe, and stand for creating an incredible future that is different from the past. As you can imagine, I left behind what could have easily been a life-long career of engineering. I chose a new path. I chose a future that was different than the present at the time. I chose to fully embrace the potential I felt within and to grow from the person I was, to the person I somehow knew I could be.
If you really want to create a future that's different than the past, I would love to share some of what has helped me do this.
A big key to doing this is letting go.
Letting go of what no longer serves you. Letting go of old, outdated self-images. Letting go of old pain and hurt you're still holding on to. Letting go of other people's images of how your life should be. Letting go of the fear that you're not good enough, that you don't have what it takes, that you will fail, or that you will succeed and be abandoned. Letting go of playing small, of shrinking down. Letting go of putting yourself last.
This letting go is a huge key. I call it "Releasing Old Consciousness". It's the old way. It's the internal energy, thinking and ways of being that matched the old you. The lower energy parts of yourself that do not belong in the new, exciting, abundant, truly joyful reality you are creating for yourself.
What is it time for you to let go of?
Light Your Path Call to Action:
If you are feeling called to take a step toward creating a future that's different from the past, take action and try this exercise.
Give yourself 10 - 15 minutes of quiet time and space to yourself. Light a candle or two, get a cozy blanket, do whatever you can to create a sacred space for yourself. Bring a journal or a piece of paper and pen.
Go within and affirm to yourself: There are things within me that aren't in alignment with where I want to go, with the reality I want to create. I am willing to see them. I am willing to let them go in order to become who I know I can be.
Let go of any fear around this. You never need to let go of anything out of fear. If anything, you'll want to let go of the fear around letting go.
Now write at the top of the page: I am willing to see what within me is ready to be released.
Now get quiet, allow a feeling, idea, image or knowing to come to you. Ask yourself: what old, outdated energy, way of being or past hurt is it time to let go of?
Write down what comes to you.
Now ask yourself: What new energy, way of being and feeling is ready to take it's place?
Affirm to yourself you are ready to release the old and have it replace the new. Close your eyes, know you are creating the shift and allow it to happen. Notice what you feel, what you see. Affirm that you are ready to let this go so your future can be fresh and new.
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