Question for the Ages: What is Time Management?
Time management ñwe often hear how important it is in our life. In fact, every type of endeavor that man undertakes is said to be made easier by proper time management. Now what is time management, exactly? Well, some people define it as doing things in the least amount of time. This means they consider speed to be the definition of what time management is.
Now what is time management,

exactly? Well, some people define it as doing things in the least amount of time. This means they consider speed to be the definition of what time management is.This argument does make some sense. When you do things faster, you will be able to consume less time in accomplishing a certain task. By making sure that you use the least amount of time in accomplishing the task that you have at hand, you will be wasting the least amount of time. This means that your efficiency will increase. This is the definition of what time management is that is most often used by people. However, it does not contain all the truth for it fails to account for the nature of the task at hand.Some people answer the question of "what is time management?" by saying that it is doing what's important first. They say that you need to pan what is considered important first before you start doing it. This theory, however, is also flawed. This is because of the fact that the importance of a task is always relative to the person who will be doing the task. There have also been assertions that if this is the definition of what time management is, then some tasks which people consider "unimportant" would never get done.There are also people who advocate the use of multi-tasking. These people believe that the best way to define "what is time management?" is to do many tasks at once. This definition states that in order to properly manage your time, you must try to do several tasks at once. This is made possible today by the development of technology. However, this fails to take into account the fact that many people need concentration in order to perform a task well. This theory may allow a person to accomplish many tasks at once, but does that person do those tasks well? People sometimes say that if you cannot do a task well, then you shouldn't have done it at all. This means that accomplishing a task with less than your best ability would be a huge waste of time.So what do we learn from these analyses of various interpretations of what time management is? Well, we know that all these definitions have their virtues and all have their flaws. What we need to do is find the main concept of these definitions and use that. Quite simply, the question of what time management is can be answered thus: time management is the efficient use of what time you have in order to perform a set of tasks to the best of your ability.We all know how limited our time is. Time is the only resource that a person cannot buy. Time is always running out. Answering the question of what time management is can help a person make use of that time in order to do the tasks that he needs to accomplish. Answering the question of what time management is can help a person take the first steps to actually properly managing his or her time.