Reaching Your New Year Resolution Through Accountability Friend
Majority of us make new resolutions each year but end up breaking them. If only there is a friend, partner or a professional group then they can be achieved since there will be always that fear.
Have you ever wondered why so many New Year's Resolutions fail? At least you keep making new ones each new. Tell me,

do you achieve them the exact way you wanted? It occurs that we let ourselves break small rules. This ends up building the outright of cheating on the whole plan of the resolution. You will be left with no hopes of trying to salvage the whole resolution.
When you know that your weakness is going to be a barrier in achieving your new rear resolution, then it is smart to think about getting an accountability friend. Knowing that you have agreed with a friend about your goals will make you be focused towards achieving the goal. You can term this as a fear of looking weak or simple embarrassment. This of course gives you motivation of sticking to the whole plan of the new year resolution.
By the way, I value it as a tool that ensures things happen. When you have a close friend as an accountability partner, you are no longer alone in the journey plus you have a built in cheerleader who will be just as excited by your success as you are. You need a strong support system when faced with a difficult challenge.
Bear in mind that the friend you choose for accountability is very important, so you should go about it in a careful manner. Often the best choice is a friend who is trying to achieve the same new year resolution as yours. A walking or diet friend can provide much needed encouragement.
The downside to a friend program is that it can backfire on you. Resentment can build up between parties if one or the other becomes tired of being "policed." Even though both parties agreed to the accountability, in the first place you will want to have some clear boundaries.
You do not necessarily want a drill sergeant; this will just make you want to give up. In addition there needs to be a confidentiality agreement, the two of you should never discuss your progress or lack thereof with anyone else. Clearly outline what you expect in the way of support and tact.
A close friend is not always the best option, if you are sure that the accountability will be counterproductive with either of these you can find a partner you do not know personally. There are support groups available with professional leader and this works better for many people. It keeps the personal aspect out of the accountability partnership and instead offers a more business like atmosphere.
Find the professional accountability group that is perfect for your New Year's resolutions and begin to see real progress toward budgeting, weight loss, addiction recovery or whatever your personal goal is. Your sponsor will offer all the support that a friend would give but without the complications of a personal relationship.