Have you ever experienced the feeling that the voice in your mind was playing tricks on you and controlling your every move or action? Did you ever wish that there was some way to maintain control over your mind and not let that ‘chatterbox’ in your mind completely control you?
Well, actually you CAN control your mind and it simply involves 7 ways:
1) Keep recalling and reminding yourself of the people, things and situations that you are truly and completely appreciative and grateful for. You will find yourself to be calmer and more composed and obstacles and challenges will seem easier to overcome.
2) Keep away and protect yourself from self-affirmed negative thoughts. Negative thoughts have a huge tendency of messing up the way you think and in turn your actions. Identify the various negative thoughts that you have and counter them by:
3) Maintaining positive thoughts in your mind. Think of ways you can channel your negative thoughts into positive ones and reinforce these positive thoughts by self talk. Self talk simply means talking either aloud or mentally to yourself and reminding yourself of positive things.
4) Discard negative thoughts you think people may have of you. It doesn’t matter what other people think of you so as long as you know and feel that what you are doing is correct and proper. Always remember that it is your life and you have the choice to do things your way without letting other people’s thoughts and views affect you.
5) Regard every achievement - no matter how small it may be - as a great achievement. Recall and recap about all the achievements you have achieved in your life and congratulate and reward yourself (if you haven’t done so).
6) Take the effort to comprehend and reinforce your beliefs with proof or evidence. Review your current beliefs and thoughts about various issues and ask yourself if you need to alter them if they are found to be wrong or unsubstantiated.
7) Generate an influx of ideas in your mind. Get inspiration from numerous sources such as your surroundings, books, pictures, newspapers and the internet. Constantly build up your flow of mind-blowing ideas and think of ways you can put them to practical use.
Always keep in mind that you can control your mind to achieve better degrees of success.
Top 5 Theoretical Principles of Success
You've probably heard of Stephen Covey and his bestseller, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". While his 7+1 habits (the 8th released quite recently) are good on their own, I have taken the liberty to take 5 principles from another time tested system, tested their validity on other existing success stories and evolved them to universally apply to this day and age.The Complete Guide to True Wealth
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