Implementing certain techniques of self-help on anxiety will help you gain better control over your feelings and ultimately over your life.
An anxiety or panic attack can be one of the most debilitating things to happen to someone as at that moment,
nothing seems what it actually is and there is only an overwhelming fear of some imagined impending danger. This attack is more serious than it sounds as it totally overpowers the reasoning powers of the person and physically too, the chest feels constricted and the breath comes in short gasps.
It is quite normal for someone to experience an anxiety attack once in a blue moon but if it starts happening on a regular basis it is time to pay attention. People suffering from anxiety attacks get so apprehensive of getting one in public that they may stop leaving home entirely. This can have vast adverse repercussions on the psyche of the person ultimately.
Remember, that no one can get within you and help you get rid of the anxiety attack. At the best, you can be advised, cajoled, coaxed, etc. and etc., but in the end it is you only who can take charge of your feelings. You have to do it yourself or take the help of medications. Self-help on anxiety is a fine way to start out when the desire to help yourself is strong and something be done about the problem.
One of the main techniques of self-help on anxiety is learning how to relax. Try not to be tense or stressed out all the time. Practicing taking deep breaths during periods of stress will help you calm down and see things in the proper perspective. Regular practice will soon make deep breathing a habit and will come in useful during an actual attack.
Any form of regular physical exercise is excellent for tackling this problem as exercise releases the feel-good hormones called endorphins which put us in a relaxed mood. Physical exercise helps to release pent-up energy and nervousness which is responsible for anxiety attacks to a large extent. Yoga and meditation are excellent forms of self-help for calming oneself down.
Identifying what sets off your panic attack will help you control them better. It is only when you know in what situations or by what people these attacks are set off will you get a better grip on them. Many people feel claustrophobic in large, crowded areas and hemmed within large crowds gives rise to a panic attack in them. Staying away from places which act as a trigger for such attacks can be beneficial.
Movie halls, amusement parks, shopping malls are all public places which can get uncomfortably crowded during peak hours and one of the best way to avoid the crowd is to go there very early or later in the evening when the crowd is sure to have thinned out. This way you will have your panic under control yet not deprive yourself of any enjoyment.
If there is a particular time of the day when you feel most likely to panic, avoid being alone during such times. Have a friend or family member with you till the time you learn how to control these feelings. Occupying yourself in a favorite hobby or helping someone else will keep you distracted and take your mind off that particular time. Very soon, unobtrusively this will become a habit and your panic attacks will hopefully disappear or at least lessen.
Breaking up the things which you have to do into small, manageable goals will lessen the enormity of doing everything together and consequently, reduce the anxiety factor. Learning what triggers off your anxiety attacks is half the battle won as you can then start taking steps to tackle that problem.