The article provides instructions on how to perform self-hypnosis. It describes the process of putting oneself in a receptive, suggestible state of mind, and gives pointers on visualizations and making positive affirmations.
Many people who are deeply interested in improving some aspects of their lives subscribe to self-help books and literature. If you're one of these people,

you must have encountered the idea of using hypnosis to influence people's subconscious to make positive changes in their lives. While some actually go to professional hypnotherapists to avail of their services, some do not feel comfortable with the thought of placing themselves at a vulnerable and suggestible state in the hands of another person. Others would like to try hypnosis, but would rather not deal with steep professional fees.
One alternative to going to a professional hypnotherapist is to perform hypnosis on yourself. Self-hypnosis can be used to influence yourself to accept beliefs and attitudes which can benefit specific aspects of your life. For instance, some athletes use hypnosis to improve their performance during a competition. Some chronically ill people use it for pain management. Other people use it for dealing with low self-esteem, anxiety, and even for weight management.
How do you perform self-hypnosis? First, let's define hypnosis as an altered state of mind where you are able to focus on particular things while becoming minimally mindful of your surroundings. It is on the same level of consciousness when you are just about to fall asleep. At this stage, you are at your most receptive to suggestions.
To get yourself into this level of consciousness, you will first focus on relaxing your entire body. You need a room that is calm, quiet and, preferably, with dim lighting. Find a chair or couch where you can sit comfortably. It is better to avoid lying down as you might go directly to sleep. Set aside any thoughts on your mind and focus on relaxing. Focus on your breathing, and then focus on each of your body parts starting from your toes, to your legs, and upwards. As you focus on each body part, feel them getting heavier and warmer as your breathe in and out. Say to yourself that your right arm is getting heavy and warm, and that it feels good. Do this slowly for around three times to each of your body parts, except your head. After doing all of these, you should have achieved a very relaxed state. You are now in the ideal state for self-hypnosis.
Start saying to yourself the positive suggestions you wish your mind and body would accept. You can use visualizations, meditation, or positive affirmations. For instance, you can visualize yourself smoothly and successfully executing an intricate move you have been practicing in gymnastics. If you are preparing a public speech, you can say positive affirmations such as: 'I am feeling confident, articulate and passionate about my cause.' Or, 'I am speaking clearly and confidently about my mission.'
Repeat your positive affirmations around 2 to 3 times, or as many times as you want. Remember to keep your statements positive. Avoid negative language, such as 'I do not want to feel the pain on my arm.' Your mind might actually become more aware of the pain. Keep your statements positive. You can say 'My arm feels comfortable and relaxed.'
When you're done with your affirmative suggestions, slowly ease yourself out of your hypnotized state. Feel the liveliness and energy flowing back into each of your body parts. At the end of your hypnotic session, make a declaration that you are already wide-awake. You can, then, continue with your normal activities.