No matter who you are, or what your current situation in life is, there are going to be those times when you feel that nothing is going in your favor. It may be just one bad day. Or it may be a string of many, many bad days and events that make you feel that the entire world and everyone in it is out to get you. In fact, you may feel that the bad times are never going to end!
Copyright (c) 2008 Mind Body Spirit
No matter who you are, or what your current position in life is, there are going to be those times when you believe that nothing is going in your favor. Just like you, I certainly have had my fair share of downs.
It may be just one bad day. Perhaps you had a flat tire today on the way to work that made you late for a very important sales presentation that you were responsible for conducting. You then were reprimanded by your boss for being late and losing the deal. Later, you then took it out on your subordinates in the office or your loved ones when you arrived back home.
Or it may be a string of many, many bad days and events that make you feel that the entire world and everyone in it is out to get you. Perhaps you lost your job and now have the stress of starting over. And, then a close, loved one passes away. Next, something that you have spent long hours working hard to achieve has not turned out like you planned. In fact, you may feel that the bad times are never going to end!
When faced with these types of circumstances, many people simply give up. They let the disappointment and discouragement from the experience(s) take over and resign them to failure. Instead of looking ahead, they wallow in an endless sea of negative thought and negative emotions. They end up swimming against the current instead of flowing with the tide and looking for a solution to get "back on dry land".
However, it is the person who has a strong "will to do" and "will power" that does not allow these negative situations to have any long-term, permanent effect on them. In fact, the person with a strong and developed "will" employs these situations to their advantage - learning, growing and building a new foundation and direction from them. They know that from time to time they will have bad days. However, unlike the people who give up and "throw in the towel", they are persistent. They take action. They realize that their mental outlook affects their ALTITUDE and hence their future. They never let any negative thinking that may result from having bad days to become a permanent habit.
Be prepared for anything you really want to take longer and be tougher than you ever imagined. Expect potholes, detours, and other obstacles. Expect that at times the going may get so rough that you may want to quit and start over - for example, if you are running a business, there may come a time financially when you must make that decision. These are the times that will challenge those who do not have the will to do and perseverance to stay the course. For situations such as these, I created what I call my "preposition approach" to achieving success - what I mean is with obstacles and challenges you can go "over", "around", "under" and "through" them. Thinking in this manner allows you to deal with any situation.
Along your path to success, cherish, embrace and learn from every experience - no matter how painful or invaluable it may seem at the time. Many times, we dwell on things and negatively internalize them to our detriment. Those who use these experiences to their advantage by learning from them will develop an indomitable spirit that will always spur them on to greater heights - ALTITUDE!
It is said that "What does not kill us, makes us stronger". Look within yourself and use the lessons you learn from bad days and events to your advantage.
Is Change Always Better?
There are numerous websites that are dedicated to change, and countless quotations on the subject. However, most people do not like change. In fact, one could say that the only people that like change are babies and the people who work in toll booths or the cashiers at the convenience store!The Power Of One
One millisecond can make the difference between the runner who breaks the finish line tape to win the gold medal and the poor soul who finishes in second. In battle, one millimeter can make the difference between life and death! What about ONE PERCENT more? As in, what if you make a one-percent change in your life?A Seven Step Plan For Success In 2009
Here's my seven step plan to help you understand and internalize the meaning of success. Follow these steps everyday in 2009 and you will make far more progress and increase your odds of success manifold.