This heading may seem like a contradiction in terms. How on earth is squeezing anything going to allow for relaxation to occur? Surely it will generate more tension, won’t it?
Well, not necessarily. Indeed, combined with focused breathing it is a great tool to alleviate stress and will help those stubborn tense muscles to let go!
It is a common affliction for many people to have unnecessary muscular tension throughout their bodies and this becomes the norm. Hectic lifestyles and sedentary jobs all contribute towards tension in the body as well as bad posture.
This being the case it may sound ludicrous to suggest creating more tension by squeezing. However, it is by initially squeezing that a wonderful physical contrast is created leaving the body feeling more tranquil. Also, once you have experienced the difference it will also encourage you to consciously become less tense and to use less energy when going about everyday tasks.
Below are some simple instructions that can be instantly used to experience how squeezing muscles and breathing in a specific way can help tension to subside!
Whether you squeeze and then relax one muscle at a time or your whole body you should have the feeling of almost deflating like a balloon and loosing undue tension.
It is also worth bearing in mind there are no long periods of squeezing muscles and holding the breath! It is not required and is dangerous.
You can utilise this method whenever you feel stressed, tense, or angry and it will go a long way towards reminding you that a relaxed body is almost always better and happier than a tense one.
Give it a whirl and feel for yourself!
© Tim Webb 2005
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