Taking Action Is Your Secret to Success
Every achievement always requires first taking action yet people are still reluctant to do so. For whatever reason some have, this apparent lack of motivation keeps them from enjoying life or even financial success more fully! Read on to discover 5 reasons why the person who takes action is also the person who gets so much more out of life!
Every achievement always requires first taking action yet people are still reluctant to do so. For whatever reason some have,

this apparent lack of motivation keeps them from enjoying life much more fully! As has been said 'life is not a spectator sport' and the spoils go to the person who takes action and more fully engages in their surroundings. Although there may be times where our active involvement does not always render positive results, it is wise to also remember no guts no glory! In short any person who typically demonstrates hesitation or complete inactivity, can NOT expect for anything to change! Hesitation could be the difference between a fuller and more fruitful life and no life at all!
Here are 5 ways in which a lack of motivation and thereby action will negatively impact a persons life!
Second Guessing
Quite often when there is a hesitancy to proceed forward people tend to begin second guessing themselves. The longer this continues the less likely they are to get involved at all since their own doubts will continue to mount with or without justifiably so or not! In many cases the person who takes action does so intuitively thereby avoiding any 'mind games' that may result from them hesitating in the first place!
The self-doubt mentioned above tends to manifest itself over time and can result in the development of a mindset that is even more risk resistant! When this type of mindset takes hold the lack of motivation people feel towards change or new experience increases. Now they feel more 'secure' remaining in an environment without change or challenges since all that is now viewed as too risky! At this point folks begin to stop living and choose to just merely survive!
Nothing Ventured Nothing Learned
New experiences or meeting new challenges gives us life and reinforces our hope for newer and bigger things yet to come. From every experience comes a higher level of confidence and this is something only the person who takes action can appreciate. Choosing to remain on the 'sidelines' avoiding decisions and activities perceived to be too risky puts a screeching halt to any education any life experiences can give us!
Lost Opportunities
Choosing to refrain from fully engaging in life due to perceive risks or simply a lack of motivation denies you of many opportunities. Of course in most cases this is something that will not be fully appreciated because by not putting yourself out there you will not know what you are missing! Achievements on a large scale be it personal or financial will never be known to the person who does not subscribe to the philosophy no guts no glory!
Due to a lack of success or even simply just progress it is inevitable that eventually frustration will begin to set in. Expectations that go unfulfilled thereby open the door for a person to become disillusioned! The mundane existence of the person who denies themselves of partaking in almost anything that represents change in their life tends to wear you down! Frustration begins to mount as it seems that life is passing you by, and it is, but the good news is your involvement is a choice, it is simply a matter of what you choose!
Taking action is the first step in changing things in your personal or professional life and failure to do so can negatively impact your life! For whatever reasons some may have, their lack of motivation to be more actively involved in their surroundings can and will severely limit them! Lost opportunities will litter their lives only contributing to the growing emptiness they feel inside. On the other hand of course to the person who takes action goes the spoils! The discussion above focuses on the negative impact remaining a spectator in your own life can have on your quality of living! Although it is understandable many are cautious in choosing the actions they take it is equally important to remember this simple saying, no guts no glory! Always remember, for things to change you must change, and this requires overcoming your lack of motivation to do so!