You're reading this for a purpose. You want something. You need something. You want to become something. You want to have something. You want to do something. Two words only - You Want. Human beings; You and I, are goal-seeking machines. Well, maybe 'machines' is too crude a word to use. Our brains are goal-seeking mechanisms.
Now let's think about this thing called "You Want"-ism. Let's say you want to be a more confident speaker.
What (effective) questions can you ask yourself that will lead you to the right thinking that in turn will lead you to the right decisions and the right actions, and lastly to your desired goal (becoming a more confident speaker)?
3 questions, actually.
"3 Questions To Rule Them All," I'd say.
These 3 questions are the most important, and they are like templates for ANY goal or outcome you want to achieve.
The 3 Questions are WHY MUST I, HOW CAN I & WHAT IF I.
So you ask yourself these questions:
"Why MUST I become a more confident speaker?"
"How CAN I become a more confident speaker?"
"What IF I AM a more confident speaker?"
Can you see the pattern? Do you get the picture?
Let's take a magnifying glass and see why these 3 are the most important questions you can ask yourself.
First one, the WHY MUST I. Why is such a powerful question, in fact, THE most powerful question, because it is the arrow that points you to your PURPOSE.
When you have a powerful enough purpose, a highly motivating reason, a great cause, it will supply you with enough drive, energy, resilience, perseverance, whatsoever to almost literally PUSH (if not SHOVE) you to go out there and achieve your goal.
A great purpose, reason or cause (terms used interchangeably) is like the battery for your goal-seeking machine. If you have a powerful and long-lasting battery (Duracell, Energizer), your actions will reflect that amount of energy and in turn trigger the potent forces that will attain you your goal.
Next, the HOW CAN I.
For the mean-time, you may not really know how you're going to go about doing the actions needed to reach your outcome. Don't worry. You WILL find a way, if you got your first question, the WHY MUST I, right. And I'm not going to go into detail about how your unconscious will suddenly give you the answer you need.
The HOW CAN I is like the keywords you type into the Google search engine that is in your head. Unlike Google which takes a few seconds to display results (and even some that are irrelevant), your mental search engine may take anywhere from a split second to a few months (even years) to find the answers. Hey, I never said it was easy!
And once found, the answer to your HOW CAN I question is like a computer program, an algorithm, a specific set of actions to take, that will lead you to your desire. It shows you the way, it enlightens the path that you must take to get to your destination.
So your goal-seeking machine now has an in-built processor. First, it has a BATTERY, the WHY CAN I. Second, it has a COMPUTER PROGRAM, the HOW CAN I.
Next, we have the WHAT IF I.
The WHAT IF I question sends a command to your brain to generate a mental picture of your end goal. This is more effective than simply a visualisation as it draws upon the sharp focusing quality of questions to extract focused, detailed answers.
As you ask yourself the WHAT IF I question, you are telling your mind to come up with perceptions of possibilities, details, outcomes and results, in terms of your five or six senses.
It gives you an idea of -
What you will see when you have this goal.
What you will hear when you have this goal.
What you will feel, smell, taste etc. when you have this goal.
For your goal-seeking machine, the WHAT IF I is like a 3D multimedia model, or blueprint, of your desired outcome. It needs to know what the final product will look like and be like. Only then can it go on and create it.
So you have a battery, the computer program algorithm and the blueprint. All you need to do now is to flick the "ON" button. Now THAT is called ACTION. Without it, everything else is USELESS.
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