The Law of Supply and the 11 Forgotten Laws
Out of the 11 forgotten laws, the law of supply is often thought as the law of demand. This is simply because we as human beings are rarely ever truly satisfied. There's often one thing else to be acquired, accomplished, or wanted.

when somebody wishes to acquire, accomplish, or want one thing much more, they are thought of as greedy. As Bob Proctor explains, this just isn't often the case. Being greedy could be associated with wanting something a lot more but that doesn't necessarily mean that to get that some thing far more, an individual should take from another. When a person takes from yet another to get what they want and satisfy themselves, it is called avarice. When an individual wants something more for themselves without having consciously taking from an additional it's greed. Proctor emphasizes the point that greed and avarice are different and to recognize the law of supply one should comprehend the distinction.
There are lots of points that an individual wants far more of no matter whether it's funds, friends, or material items. Proctor emphasizes that none of the above or wanting a lot more or greater for oneself or their family members is necessarily greedy. What holds individuals back will be the negative stigma that's typically linked with greed or wanting a lot more of one thing specially if a person already has a lot more than most. An individual that can't recognize or understand the difference in between greed and avarice won't have the ability to utilize the 11 universal laws of attraction. They are going to stall once they come upon the law of supply.When an individual associates negativity with greed they're fundamentally afraid of wanting something a lot more. An individual that's afraid to want some thing more and afraid of the law of supply won't have the ability to reach their lifes dreams and achievements according to Proctor.
Also according to Proctor, an individual that does not genuinely realize the law of supply will have a difficult time becoming in a position to assist themselves because in the long run they are afraid of getting much more.An example of how an individual can want one thing much more without having taking from yet another can be a farmer that plows his fields and sows his seeds every single spring so that you can offer for his family members. In doing so he is also providing the food that stocks the shelves at the neighborhood grocery store. If he experiences a drought and wants more rain to make his crops grow, he is utilizing the law of supply. What he desires is much more rain and if he gets it, he wont be taking from anybody else. When he gets his rain his crops will grow and he is going to be able to give for his loved ones. It really is okay for an individual to assist themselves so long as they are not harming an additional in the method. Which is the law of supply.