Real, significant changes never take place in your life until a decision is made. This article talks about the power of decisions and how you can use this power.
I want to talk a little bit about the concept of deciding or decisions. When you think about any change that you've ever made in your life, didn't it really happen the moment you made a decision? Now sometimes we say, "Oh it's hard to change, it took me forever to change." Usually what takes forever is getting yourself to the point of deciding. It's the "getting ready to get ready to change" that's takes so long. You really didn't make any changes until you decided to change.
So you can say today, "That's it! I'm done. I'm never going to do that again" or "this is the way I'm going to be from now on." It's the power of a decision. No change was ever made in anybody's life without first deciding. Once you make a decision then you can move forward. A lot of times you say, "Oh it's so hard to change, it's so hard to do this, it's so hard to do that" but really it's not hard because you're really not doing it yet, you're really not making any effort until you decide.
The decision - when things begin to happenOnce you have made that decision, things start to happen in your life. Making that one single decision, saying from this point on, from this time, this minute, this second, I am going in that direction. I am no longer going in the direction I was going. I have turned my life. I am headed in a new direction and everything I do and everything I say and everything I feel is different. This gets you on the road. You won't totally change your life in a day but you will be amazed at how quickly you move in that direction.
Think for a moment about the story that Charles Dickens wrote, A Christmas Carol. Think about Scrooge. Think about what happened to him, how in an instant his life changed. After he was shown all the pain and misery of his past and the mistakes that he had made, and the person that he had become, and then as he looked into the future and was shown what his future would be if he continued on that path, if he continued in that direction - he made a decision, in an instant. He changed his direction. He changed his glasses, his lenses that he sees his life through. Suddenly everything changed.
Can you change in an instant?Is it possible for a person to change in an instant? I believe it is. Think about Scrooge and how he changed in an instant. He totally changed his direction. He became a different person. Now, did everything change in his life all at once? No! But his direction changed and the lens through which he looked at life changed. The lens through which he made decisions, his feelings, his actions changed by changing that lens that he looked through or the direction that he was headed in his life. Everything changed and he was now on the road in a different direction to a different life, to becoming a different person. You can do the same. You can make that change.
Now you don't have to have spirits come to you in the night to show you the mistakes you have made in the past. You can do that on your own. Review the past, review the pain that you've had in your life by going the direction you're going right now. Think about all the pain you've suffered through, all the opportunities that you've missed because of the actions and direction you've taken in your life. Think about where you could have been now. Think about your future. Think about a year into the future.
Ponder your futureIf you continue on the road that you are on now where will you be one year from now? Will you be any better of a person? Will you continue down hill? What about five years from now, where will you be if you continue on this road that you're headed without changing? What will your life be like? Is that where you want to be? Is that where you want to go? Experience the pain of this. Think about it. What kind of a life do you want? What kind of person do you want to be? Do you want to continue heading in the direction that you're heading right now? Is that what you want? No!
As you experience this pain of your past mistakes and what it will mean to you in the future if you don't make any changes - let it sink deep down into your heart, into your mind, into your emotions. Feel this pain and make a decision now, at this moment, that you will not put up with this any more, that you will not live another second in this world headed in that direction, that you are tired of tripping up, falling down, making mistakes, following the easy path and suffering the misery from this. You want better things in life.
You know deep down inside of you is a different person, a better person, a great person, a person with potential. The real you is deep down inside you. You know who the real you is and it's trying to get out. Why not let him out now? Defeat the old "you" and let the new "you" out, the real you out. You can do all this with the power of decisions.
A Letter to My Son on His 3rd Birthday
This morning I happened to be looking through one of my old journals from 19 years ago and came across an interesting journal entry. It was a letter to my son Neil on his 3rd birthday. I had totally forgotten that I had written this little gem to my son.The Law of Attraction Part 6 - Practical Application
This is part 6 of my 6-part series of articles on the Law of Attraction. Previously we talked about there being a law. We called it the Law of Attraction, we called it faith, we called it the law of Like Begets Like, or Like Attracts Like. Just as a seed will reproduce itself, your thoughts will reproduce themselves and attract the things you think about.The Law of Attraction Part 4 - Two Creations
This is part 4 in my 6-part series of articles on the Law of Attraction. Today I want to show how the Law of Attraction involves two creations - a mental creation and a physical creation.