Learn how to increase your luck through breakthrough intuitive development and manifesting techniques. As you become more open and clear to your feelings, your life takes on an intuitive and magical quality. You are guided more often, experience greater synchronicities and manifest abundance effortlessly. Learn how in this informative article.
Are you looking to have a little more "luck" in your life? Perhaps you'd like be more often in the right place at the right time, get globs of intuitive hunches, navigate the cross currents of life more skillfully. Perhaps you'd like to be taken away on a magic carpet ride, complete with the wind at your sails and doors opening for you each step of the way.
If you desire this, consider developing "Intuitive Magic."
The intuitive part of "Intuitive Magic" is the receiving of guidance from spirit. I was looking to sell my house. I had very few buyers looking at it. Suddenly in the fourth month of it being on the market, I had this "hunch" now was my window of opportunity to sell it. I called my realtor and said, "Lower the price." I figured the market had deteriorated so rapidly, the best way to get a sale was a further price reduction.
Later the same day, before the price was lowered, I received notice a buyer was coming to view my home. This buyer, the first one in six weeks, had the same first name as mine and fell in love with my home! A deal was made because I was ready to lower my price. I knew through a "hunch" I should lower it or lose the chance to sell for a long while.
The magic part of "Intuitive Magic" is the ability to create and shape your reality according to your wishes, dreams and needs. I had a buyer for my home, but suddenly the deal turned financially adverse for me. I summoned up some magic and commanded the universe make the deal "fair." Even though I was told there was no way the buyer would agree to new terms and conditions for the deal, like magic it was accepted!
The main way to have more "Intuitive Magic" in your life is through the R-A-R-E formula. R-A-R-E stands for Relax, Ask, Receive Entirely.
Relaxing is meditation. There are various ways to meditate. Spirit presented to me an easy speed meditation, which should serve to get you in contact with the mind of the universe almost instantly. If you have no time or have trouble clearing your mind, this technique should help quite a bit.
Close your eyes and look at the inside of your eyelids. Yes, you heard right. Stare at the inside of your eyelids. This creates an almost instantaneous alpha brain wave state. The reason for this is that the right brain works visually so using your eyes to focus shifts to right brain usage. This side of your brain is the doorway for communicating with the world of spirit.
Once in this state you need to "Ask," well actually, command (in a nice way of course :) something. You are either going to command information if you need guidance from an omniscient source, or you are going to command a manifestation if you need money, love, a health cure or a solution of any sort.
Be careful what you ask to receive. This method is extremely powerful. Once it is done, it is very difficult to undo it, like a missile on course to its target. Always ask for the "highest good and benefit of all." This will bless your outcome.
The next part of R-A-R-E is to Receive Entirely. This means if you are looking to receive guidance from source, you must pay attention to each and everything that enters your awareness and acknowledge it. The answer may or may not be in a feeling, note, dream, conversation or experience, however, if you honor all information received, your message will eventually appear. Spirit will not speak to you if you are not listening! So pay attention and do not censor.
One way to censor your full receiving is to live in addictive toxicity. If you are caught up in physical, spiritual, emotional or spiritual toxicity you will not receive guidance or a manifestation from spirit. You need to open your channels.
There are many ways to open your channels. The most common is meditation. But let us make this broader. Meditation is a receptive state. So having a meditative attitude towards life means being receptive to life. Instead of trying to escape through addictive toxicity, you become aware of your feelings and act in accordance with them. If something "feels" right for you, do it. If something does not, keep away.
After time this channeling of your truth will become almost automatic. Living in sensitivity to your feelings and identity is the most important aspect to "Intuitive Magic." Being yourself leads to a magic, guidance and power well beyond anything you have ever known before. Joseph Campbell, the famous author and expert on mythology, called it, "finding your bliss."
Love yourself and thrive.
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