The secret to success, which is not a secret at all, is simply never giving up on your dream. Find something to do that you are passionate about and never give up.
One day I decided that I wanted to have more time and financial freedom to do the things in life I really wanted to do. I often read stories about other people finding the secret to success and I wanted to know how to build my own successful home based business. I was working in a job I hated and was coming home tired and stressed out every night. I was full of anger,

mostly at myself, because I knew that there was much more I wanted to do with my life.
After all, it seemed that everyone was successful on the Internet with his or her home based business except me. I needed to find out how to make my business work. I knew that someone out there had the answers to the questions I was seeking. I was desperately searching for answers but they seemed to be hidden from me. I prayed with no results. I also asked for advice from other people and found out that most of them were as confused as I was.
So what did I do? I am glad you ask that question.
Well, I did not give up. I kept a good attitude, made a commitment to one program and stayed persistent in my quest for answers. Suddenly things began to change for me and amazingly, my income started to increase. My prayers were finally being answered. I started to receive sign-ups into my programs and I started to receive checks in my mailbox. I knew that I had finally found the secret to success that I was searching for and today I am going to share that secret with you.
Let me ask you a question...
Have you gotten to the point yet where you just want to quit and give up on your dreams? Have you made the money you thought you would with your home based business? Are you still spinning your wheels trying one program after another? It's a vicious cycle. How many eBooks have you read about success on the internet? How many times have you told yourself that this is the one...this time will be different?
Maybe you've started an online business and are having some success but not as much as you thought. If this describes you, then you need to know that it's not your fault. The reason it's not your fault is because you've been lead to believe that online success is some magical formula that only gurus posses. Not true.
What's true is that you can have the same success as anyone else by changing the way you think about making money online. It is important to align yourself with people who're already successful. If you believe that you can make money online then you will and if you believe that you can't make money online then you won't.
What is the secret to success?
The secret to online success, which is not a secret at all, is simply never giving up on your dream. Find something to do that you are passionate about and never quit. One of the biggest problems that cause home business failure is jumping from one program to another, or trying to manage too many programs at once. There are many proven and legitimate home business opportunities in which to choose, so choose one and stick with it.
Many people quit one program for another not knowing that success may have been just around the corner, in search of something that does not even exist. There are no get rich quick programs or any big secret to success know about. You just have to put in hard work, commitment, dedication, and determination to find your secret to success and never give up.