Heaven knows, many of us live day after day with regrets hoping for the old days and what they were and they what they gave us. I must admit I am one of those people and I am making my New Years Resolution to start making this beat up, tough to make it, impossible world a good place to remember when I get old.
Times are not what they used to be are they? Of course, our parents said that, our grandparents said it and now we, in our 40's and 50's, are saying it. There will always be those times to remember when things were better. Heaven knows, many of us live day after day with regrets hoping for the old days and what they were and they what they gave us. I must admit I am one of those people and I am making my New Years Resolution to start making this beat up, tough to make it, impossible world a good place to remember when I get old.
So how am I going to change this coming year?
Here are a few thoughts I have about making this coming year and the years to come more productive and enjoyable for myself and maybe for those of you who read this article.
Give to others. I am not going to contemplate on what is wrong with my life but start taking the focus off of myself and start caring for others. It is a proven theory that the more you care and give to others, the more blessed you will be and the more at peace you will become. I will do my best to start giving financially to the charities of my choice and lend a helping hand to my neighbors when they seem to need it. No more looking away when someone is in need as I have done in the past. Giving of myself is a big priority to my new start this coming year.
Recycle, recycle recycle! How many times have we thrown away those plastic milk jugs, newspapers, steel cans and aluminum cans? All these products are recyclable and we all should take the time to make a special place in our garage to create a recycle bin so we can take this stuff to the recycling center and not throw it away in the trash. Besides, we all know that aluminum cans bring money when returned to the proper facility. So, if nothing else, there is some money in that garbage of yours!
I will not raise my business prices! If you own your own business, keep your prices reasonable. I have a window washing business and a couple internet businesses and I have seen so many of my competitors raise their prices year after year. I refuse to be a part of this I am making a promise to keep my prices the same and in some cases lower. There is no need to continue this greedy money grabbing way of life that so many of us have chosen.
Walk more and drive less. The gas prices are finally back down to where they were several years ago...Hurray! I guarantee you they will go back up if we all choose to start driving more and start using more gas. I plan to walk to the post office, the store, the park, or where ever I need to go where I can easily walk instead of driving. Not only will this save gas, it will keep my waist line in check.
I will keep on thinking over this wonderful Christmas season of more ways to find a better life in this mixed up, turmoil of a society we live in. Keep an eye on my articles and when I think of some more ideas, I will let you know.