Successful time management results in successful stress management. And in today's busy world, it's especially important for families to find quality time to spend together. Discover 6 easy time management tips you can incorporate today. Teach your children to form good time management habits now so they'll become better students...and better leaders!
"Successful time management results in successful stress management." Colleen Kettenhofen
The following time management tips for families are the same ones I discussed as a featured guest on the television talk show A.M. Northwest. These are simple, basic, easy-to-follow time management tips for both parents and children. And they are the same time management tips that have worked for me in my business as a motivational speaker and author:
1. Have white dry erase boards personalized for each person: Place one in the kitchen and one in each bedroom. The benefit of white boards in the kitchen and in each bedroom is that you and your kids will constantly see them and be reminded of what needs to be accomplished.
2. Write down tasks with specific time frames for each parent and child: Set aside specific times and stick with them. For example, you would write on the white board, "Brandon and Chloe, homework 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m." And for the mom or dad, "Mom/Dad cook dinner 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m." and so forth. This way you are constantly reminded of what to do and when. You will get around to completing these tasks sooner rather than later because by "seeing" them all the time, you'll want to cross them off your list. Erase the tasks after completing them so you no longer have to look at them!
3. Color code for each family member: It's easy to visualize who is supposed to do what when each individual has their own color. A lot of teams utilize this same technique in the workplace to help with time management.
4. Clear off your desk or work area: This helps you and your kids to clear out clutter so you can concentrate single-mindedly on those projects such as paying bills or doing homework.
Time management rule number one: do the thing you like least first.
5. Do the thing you like least first and plan a reward such as a fun family activity for afterward: We all have tasks that we have to do that we don't want to do. It's easy to procrastinate. Research points to the fact that the longer you procrastinate, the harder it is to get motivated. The hardest part is just getting started. And once you're done, you feel so much better, lighter and happier. You and your family will feel deserving of a reward afterward such as fun time watching TV, playing games, or attending a Saturday picnic.
6. Be a positive role model: Teach your children to form good time management habits from the beginning. When your kids see you as self-disciplined and overcoming procrastination by doing things you'd rather not, it reinforces that behavior in them as well. It sets them up later in life to be good parents themselves, and better leaders at school and in the workplace.
Keep in mind that everything you procrastinate today only compounds tomorrow's pressure. Decide what you want. What tasks must be done in order for you and your family to accomplish your goals, dreams and aspirations? Act now. Don't wait another day. The future is now.
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