Training the Subconscious Mind with Autosuggestion

Feb 26


Greg Frost

Greg Frost

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“You are what you eat”, this quote has been used more than often to remind us to watch our diets. However, if we were to change the words a little, “you are what you think”; would it not make sense as well? What we input into our minds daily is what makes up our character and personality.


Autosuggestion is a technique of mind training generated from each individual,Training the Subconscious Mind with Autosuggestion Articles which allows the subconscious mind to accept positive thoughts and goals, and from there engage its dormant power in achieving those goals. Sounds hard? With the following techniques, you will be well on your way to training the subconscious mind with autosuggestion too.


Autosuggestion is founded on the theory of repetition. The constant repetition of positive thoughts is used for setting goals, and allows for a direct link between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing the subconscious mind to affect the conscious mind. Through this repetition process of positive affirmations, the subconscious mind is able to seek out the best possible way to reach the goal, as it is unable to reason or logic. This is where its power lies.


The importance of training the subconscious mind with autosuggestion is that the mind is susceptible to both positive and negative thoughts. Without consciously activating the subconscious mind to focus on positive thoughts, you risk allowing negative thoughts to infiltrate into the subconscious which will work towards ensuring that it is real.


Below are some simple techniques you can start using today.


1. Repeating Affirmations

This can be done in your mind or spoken aloud, but it is essential to repeat the positive affirmations everyday. This can be done ideally in the morning or right before bedtime, as it allows the subconscious to continue working on it even whilst you are sleeping.


2. Writing down your Affirmations

By writing down your affirmations, it is a reinforcement process that forces your mind to focus on it. By imprinting the importance of these affirmations in your subconscious, you are allowing it to be accepted and acted upon. It is also useful to leave the list in prominent areas such as your work space so that you are constantly reminded of positive thoughts.


3. Listening to a self-recorded tape

Over time, you will find that it is more than sufficient to listen to your voice repeating the affirmations. It will then be less important to consciously think of your positive affirmations.


4. Someone you Admire

Pick out traits that you admire, or even a person whom you wish to emulate. Identify what characteristics you are aiming towards, and include them in your positive affirmations. This will give you a concrete goal to work towards.


The subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can work both ways if not properly trained. Once you decide on a path of action, the subconscious mind will guide you through it to achieve your end goal, manifested by the communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind.