Approximately 100 years ago, a Japanese martial arts expert named Usui Mikao created a spiritual system founded on energy work. He believed that one could feel more relaxed and connected to life while being more emotionally balanced and healthier physically by energetically clearing the body. Mikao developed techniques to do this including meditation and hand-ons healing. These techniques became a system known as Reiki.
Reiki uses energy to encourage healing in the body physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This energy translates from the Japanese word “Reiki” that means “Spiritual Energy”. It’s more commonly known as “Universal Energy” or the energy of all things.
A client is completely clothed at all times during a Reiki session. Hands are placed just above the body and no personal areas of the body are ever touched. During the session, the client’s body draws the energy it needs on whatever level is needed.
Traditionally, Reiki has 3 levels of study, all separate from each other. Level 1 teaches the use Reiki on yourself and others. Level 2 provides the tools to work in the system and lets you see how to become a professional practitioner. Level 3 is the final one and shows you how to teach Reiki or further your path. This is the level of Reiki Master.
Learning the Reiki system consists of knowing 5 essential elements. These are:
Practitioners learn how to draw from the energy surrounding them while also creating inner energy themselves. This lets them enjoy a more strengthened natural connection to the universal energy flow. The healing energy comes from everything and is used to re-create a perfect balance within the human body. When you practice Reiki, your body is offered more energy to naturally take in where it’s needed.
Reiki is completely safe. It cannot cause any harm and no dogma is attached to it. It’s simply the energy of all things and each thing has its own natural flow. When you practice Reiki, you’re reminded of your natural connection and provided with the faith to enjoy the benefits of existing in life’s natural flow.
Reiki’s tangible benefits are that it speeds up the healing process physically and feeds energy to the spirit. An energized spirit causes positive responses in all other areas of the body. Reiki lets your body clear itself and lets you feel healthier, lighter and happier.
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