Thank you everyone for taking the time to be here reading this article as it really means a lot to me because you could be anywhere in the world but you have chosen to be here with me and in my view that really shows your credibility. Today I would like to speak in detail about network marketing as an industry alongside the area in which I feel people are going wrong when attempting to build a successful home based business working from home online or offline.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to be here reading this article as it really means a lot to me because you could be anywhere in the world but you have chosen to be here with me and in my view that really shows your credibility.
Today I would like to speak in detail about network marketing as an industry alongside the area in which I feel people are going wrong when attempting to build a successful home based business working from home online or offline.
Now network marketing is what the name suggests "NETWORKING", this is what makes the difference between just being an Internet Marketer or a Network Marketer and always remember the Internet Marketer will always have a higher drop out rather than a Network Marketer.
Internet Marketing is simply online sales, individuals advertising a product or service with a viewing to gaining sales, now if you have ever been sold too online and then found yourself on your own trying to make your newly found business work then I am sure I won't have to tell you that you have simply been recruited and therefore the internet sales person has not taken any responsibility within your development and success.
Network Marketing will by far change your life alongside that of others for the better, the reason being it is not online sales, it is about networking with others, speaking with them, building rapport and relationships with a view to working a very simple yet duplication system whilst being on a long term business journey together.
Rapport is when you have gained an understanding of someone and an ability to communicate effectively with that someone because it is only then can you really build a relationship with them.
Now what makes the difference?
That is simply a duplication system which really is simple, if you look at the fast food industry such as McDonalds, KFC and other fast food restaurants we see a very smooth yet fine oiled business which just keeps going doing the right things at the right time and they even have 19 year olds running Multi Million Dollar Franchises.
The reason why is they have developed a simple yet duplication system and in order to SUCCEED then SO SHOULD YOU.
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