What is an Inner Hero?

Aug 2


Michael Celender

Michael Celender

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Are you truly enjoying everything in your life right now? Take a minute to think about that. Are you REALLY enjoying it? When you listen to your hero inside, your life will open up in ways you could have never imagined, and you will start to live your adventure!


Everyone has a hero inside of him or her. When something in your life is causing you to feel trapped and discontented,What is an Inner Hero? Articles it is your inner hero that asks permission from your gatekeeper to take control in that moment. Your gatekeeper is determined, however, to keep your hero locked up. Why you ask? Because your gatekeeper is your ego and it is fragile. Oh it likes to put up a good front but it uses fear to try to keep control of your actions. For most of us it is extremely successful in doing so. It keeps us worried about the outcome of any significant action we might take. Your inner hero recognizes the fears but has the courage to move through them! Without fear there can be no courage!

An example may be when you are having a particularly difficult week both at home and at work and your boss just keeps piling more and more work on you, your ego will tell you to just deal with it and don’t “rock the boat”. Your hero, on the other hand, will tell you to let the boss know what you bring to the table and what you deserve from this relationship as well. Not in a heated, “get in your face” manner but with tact and professional demeanor. Your hero will never let you be treated unfairly or to less than you deserve. If you cannot unlock your highest potential in that position your hero would not allow you to work there, even if it had to bypass the gatekeeper.

This is how many people find themselves “let go”, “laid off”, or “fired”. It is because their inner hero simply could not allow them to deal with that sub-standard life anymore and is trying to wake them up from sleepwalking through this life.

Your hero understands, much better than your ego, why you are really here and what the purpose to life is. That purpose being to enjoy the ride – to live your adventure! Your hero knows that when you believe in its power, your power, and you unleash it, you will be in line with your life’s purpose. Then Life will respond by providing opportunity to be of service in the best way possible for you. The way of the hero is one of service to others. The hero’s reward is a life worth living. One that you can look back on with pride and tell stories about, an amazing adventure.

What will it take for you to trust the hero within?

To your adventure!

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