Men aren’t what they used to be. This occurred to me recently while I was sitting in front of the boob tube, channel-surfing from one brain-numbing pr...
Men aren’t what they used to be. This occurred to me recently while I was sitting in front of the boob tube,

channel-surfing from one brain-numbing program to the next. On “blind date” reality shows, we witness guys fumbling and flailing in their attempts to impress the women who sit in judgment of them. “Queer Eye For the Straight Guy” sends the message that a gang of swishy fashionistas holds the answer to us escaping our lonely doldrums, or reviving our marriages. Meanwhile, every sitcom seems to feature a bumbling oaf of a husband whose sassy, level-headed wife keeps the household from falling apart. During commercial breaks, we’re inundated with advertising that urges us to buy more crap we don’t need in order to be more attractive to women. Most guys don’t have the guts to strike up a conversation with the girl on the next barstool ever, yet they’re conditioned to believe an SUV, a more expensive pair of jeans, or penis-enhancement pills hawked on late-night infomercials will help them find a meaningful relationship. Instead of the two-fisted icons of generations past—my dad had John Wayne, I worshipped at the altar of Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson—the Hollywood assembly line now feeds us interchangeable, androgynous pretty boys. It’s the same routine in the music industry, which is now ruled by cartoonish rappers, preening faux-punk rockers, and sensitive singer-songwriters. We live in a culture that promotes obedience and emasculation. The average guy works his tail off to hang onto a job he can barely stand, goes home to an empty apartment or a family that doesn’t respect him, and leads a life of quiet desperation. In the prime of his life, he chooses to cash in his chips rather than blaze his own trail. I’ve spent a lot of time over the past few years contemplating and writing about this ongoing crisis for the modern male. My first book, Mack Tactics, taught men methods for boosting their self confidence and becoming more successful with women. Thousands of guys visit the Mack Tactics website to swap information and pose questions, such as: What’s the right way to invite a girl on a date? If I get her phone number, how long should I wait until I call her? I’m in love with a girl I’ve known for years, but how can I be more than a friend to her? And so on… The men of our generation are, by and large, a confused bunch. The message rammed down our collective throats is that in order to attract a woman, we must become softer, sensitive, and more feminine. The “Metrosexual” has been trumpeted as the new masculine ideal. Hairy chests and bulging muscles are out; waxed chests and cosmetic surgery are in. Masculinity is under attack. But this new generation of “feminized” man runs counter to thousands of years of biology and human nature, and the dismal state of modern relationships provides grim proof. Divorce and adultery statistics are off the charts. Men are being roped into marriage for all the wrong reasons, wasting precious years of their lives in captivity—like once-mighty jungle cats who’ve been de-clawed and forced into domesticity. The truth is, the vast majority of women want men who embody masculine traits. I’m not talking about meatheads whose chief interests are watching sports and drinking beer (in other words, the typical TV sitcom husband). I’m referring to men who are confident, assertive, dependable and capable of protecting and providing for their families. Men who are sexually potent, know what they want out of life and relationships, and refuse to settle or compromise their goals. These are men who play the game of life to win, rather than following the script and living a life of anonymous mediocrity. In other words, what women want—even though they might not realize it, or admit it—is an Alpha Man. This phrase comes from anthropological research. Every species of social animal has an Alpha: the male within their community whom the others follow and defer to. Within monkey colonies, this supremacy is determined through competition among the males; once the dominant monkey emerges, the others submit to him and look to him to maintain order in the colony. There is a great sense of relief once the Alpha has been established. This position comes with a lot of perks. In some animal groups, the Alpha always eats first; in others, he is the only one allowed to mate and reproduce. The human animal follows a similar hierarchy. For some of us, the reigning Alpha Man in our world is the top jock on campus, or it’s our hard-charging boss. In other situations, the dominant Alpha is the guy who scoops up the hottest girl at the bar and takes her home—while you were checking her out from across the room, scared to make an approach.Our society has been conditioned to follow the lead of Alphas. Human nature dictates that we accept them as our superiors; biology dictates that women will seek these types of men as mates. It’s an Alpha Man’s world. The rest of us are just living in it. This is why I decided to create The Alpha Rulesalong with Carlos Xuma, another lifestyle coach who specializes in helping guys realize their Alpha destiny. This book is more than a bunch of dating advice and pickup strategy. It is a guide to reclaiming and harnessing our masculine power. I see it as a call to arms for the men of our generation. The 21 Rules included in the book create a complete guide for personal transformation. You’ll learn an awesome range of techniques and tactics for approaching and conversing with women, taking them on successful dates, and managing your personal relationships. You’ll also learn how to transform your attitude and mindset so that you approach your work, and life, with absolute confidence and conviction. The essential message behind The Alpha Rules is that any guy can tap into his inner Alpha and start living life on his own terms. We all possess the same basic tools; it’s hardwired into our biology. You can become more independent, assertive and successful—in business, in your personal relationships, and beyond. And you can do it while retaining your integrity. Because the “Alpha Man,” as we define it, is a new type of Alpha. It is one who is equipped to succeed on every level in the modern world. Think of it as the Alpha Male, Version 2.0: a man who adopts certain traits of his predecessors but is a superior, more well-rounded version. So the question is, are you ready to become the man you were born to be? Are you ready to have women recognize your great qualities and pursue YOU, instead of the other way around? Are you ready to CREATE your own destiny, instead of following the “safe” path that is only a recipe for regret in the long term? You know the answer. It’s time for you to seize the reigns of your life and Go Alpha. For more information on The Alpha Rules book and the Alpha Lifestyle Program, click here to visit the website.