Genius is nothing without strong resolution and persistent action to achieve your biggest dreams in life. A good chance alone or an encouraging start is nothing without dedication. A man who cannot stand firm, but wavers first one way and then the other, and has no commitment to his decision, or courage to pursue his own vision, such a person can accomplish very little in this world. It is will, perseverance and courage that rule the world.
The man who is forever hesitating, backing, splitting hairs over non-essentials, listening to every new motive which presents itself, will never accomplish anything. But the positive man, the decided man is a power in the world and stands for something. You can measure him, and estimate the work that his energy will accomplish. The best men are not those who have waited for chances, but who have taken them, and made chance the servitor. It is better to act and apologize later than to seek permission first. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it.
The secret of so many failures among those who started out with high hopes, is that they lacked will power. They could not half will: and what is a man without a will? He is like an engine without steam. Genius unexecuted is no more genius than an unlit lamp is a light in the world. The persistent man never stops to consider whether he is succeeding or not. The only question with him is how to push ahead, to get a little farther along, a little nearer his goal. Whether it lead over mountains, rivers, or morasses, he must reach it. Every other consideration is sacrificed to this one dominant purpose.
Genius is often Perseverance in disguise. No amount of genius ever had effect on this earth, except when being enforced with the will power to overcome all obstacles that presented themselves to every one who would rise above the circumstances in which he was born, or who would become greater than his fate. Tenacity of purpose never changes through ups and downs and turn of events or change of relations but overcomes all opposition only to arrive at its destination. This is the sign of a sovereign mind.
Will, perseverance, persistence, determination, diligence, concentration, focus, consistency of intention and tenacity of purpose are all one. Will puts genius in motion. The hand of the diligent shall bear rule. A man who is diligent in his business shall stand before kings. He shall not stand before mean men. Don't do more than other people. They do all their work three times over. Once in anticipation, once in actuality, once in rumination. Do yours in actuality alone, doing it once instead of three times.
When your desire becomes a declared resolve, the avenues will open to that end. Your desire and resolve creates an atmosphere which attracts the forces necessary to the attainment of the purpose. Many man have testified that as long as they were hoping, striving and longing, mountains of difficulty arose before them. But when they fashioned their hopes into fixed purposes, aid came unsought to help them on the way. The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.
The man that feels unstoppable is very difficult to stop. If two fighters are throwing the same punch at the same time it is the fighter that throws the punch with the most confidence that will land with effectiveness, and may not even be fazed by the opposition. Be determined to conquer every weakness you have, physical, mental, and moral. Great success comes from great self-discipline and self-mastery. It is equal to genius itself.
It does not matter how clever a youth may be, whether he leads his class in college or outshines all the other boys in his community, he will never succeed if he lacks this essential of determined persistence. Many men who might have made brilliant musicians, artists, teachers, lawyers, able physicians or surgeons, in spite of predictions to the contrary, have fallen short of success because deficient in this quality. The success of a dull or average youth and the failure of a brilliant one is a constant surprise in history. The reason for success lies in the staying power of the seemingly dull boy, the ability to stand firm as a rock under all circumstances, to allow nothing to divert him from his purpose. It is continuity of purpose alone that achieves results.
Persistency of purpose is power. It creates confidence in others. Everybody believes in the determined man. When he undertakes anything his battle is half won, because not only he himself, but every one who knows him, believes that he will accomplish whatever he sets out to do. People know that it is useless to oppose a man who uses his stumbling-blocks as stepping-stones, who is not afraid of defeat, who never, in spite of slander or criticism, shrinks from his task, who never shirks responsibility, who always keeps his compass pointed to the north star of his purpose, no matter what storms may rage about him.
Genius is nothing without strong resolution and persistent action to achieve your biggest dreams in life. A good chance alone or an encouraging start is nothing without dedication. A man who cannot stand firm, but wavers first one way and then the other, and has no commitment to his decision, or courage to pursue his own vision, such a person can accomplish very little in this world. It is will, perseverance and courage that rule the world.
Truth About The World And Myth Of Changing It
Money is meant to create things for the advancement of humankind, not wasted on fixing stuff that do not need money to fix. Knowing the truth about the world and the myth of changing it allows you to follow the principle of non interference. It empowers you with the prudence to keep the bulk of your wealth and gives you the guilt free way of living your life as you please. Do not seek to change the world. Seek to transcend and master it...Experiencing Total Bliss and Serenity of Being
Discover the profound state of Nirvana, where eternal happiness and enlightenment converge, offering a sense of complete ownership of the universe and mastery over life. This ultimate state of being transcends temporal pleasures, embodying a perpetual ascent beyond ordinary existence.Exploring the Concept of Reincarnation: A Journey Through Soul and Consciousness
Reincarnation, a belief deeply rooted in various cultures and religions, suggests that the soul undergoes a cycle of rebirths, not merely ceasing to exist after physical death but instead returning in new forms. This concept hinges on the understanding of the soul's dual aspects: the active, encompassing intelligence and self-awareness, and the passive, which includes memories and personal data. While the active aspect ascends to a nonphysical realm, it is the passive aspect that purportedly reincarnates, carrying forward traits and characteristics into new lives. This article delves into the nuances of reincarnation, exploring its implications on personal growth and collective consciousness.