Sex Education for Married Couples
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Sex education for married couples needs to be completely different from what is taught in school. This is for obvious reason that such education or anything relevant to it has already been imparted to the couples in wedlock. The sex education that married couples need should focus on how to make the relationship long lasting and the way good sex can play a role in that. Needless to say,

the couples need to know all about the ways of birth control. They should be told about the contraceptive pills, the emergency pills and condoms. Taking advice from someone trusty is a good way forward, especially if they have not had sex as yet. But if you do not intend to delay having a baby at all, you actually need to start having healthy diet which can improve your chances of conception. The experience of first time sex is not always enjoyable for both men and women. Lot of doubts crop up in both of them about whether there is any problem in either of them. But that is seldom the case. The couples need to be informed about these and told about ways and methods of managing the pain. Apart from the for first time sex, the behavioural patterns of a healthy married life should also be discussed by the couples. They need to realise that the ideal way to have sex is by being intimate to each other. Men should not withhold any information from their partner related to finances. This is important because if anything bad happens, the partner would be as affected as her. She does not deserve to get the shock of such news. It is important that men are forthright in revealing all such information about their profession, finances and family. In the same way, the woman in a marital bond needs to realise that she was the focus of all attention before marriage and this needs to be repaid to her man. Moreover, if she happens to get compliments or admiration in any other subtle way from any other person, this should not be encouraged. If her husband happened to know of this, it can be a dirty situation for the relationship, which is nurturing under the bond of trust and love. Follow the tips given above and make sure that there are no problems in your married life, whether it is sex or any other aspect.