Selecting the Perfect Bridal Necklace: A Guide for Every Gown

May 5


Denise Sanger

Denise Sanger

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Choosing the right bridal necklace enhances your overall wedding day look, complementing your gown and highlighting your features. This guide will help you navigate through various necklace styles suitable for different types of wedding dresses, ensuring your bridal jewelry resonates with elegance and harmony.


Understanding Bridal Necklace Styles

When selecting a bridal necklace,Selecting the Perfect Bridal Necklace: A Guide for Every Gown Articles the style of your wedding gown neckline plays a pivotal role. Here’s a breakdown of necklace types and the gowns they best complement:

Open-Backed Gown

For gowns with an open back, a bridal lariat necklace is ideal. This style features a long, dangling embellishment that falls gracefully down the back, accentuating the gown’s design. This choice not only enhances the backless feature but also adds a touch of glamour.

V-necked Gown

A Y-drop necklace is perfect for V-necked gowns. This necklace mirrors the V-shape of the gown, creating a harmonious and elegant look. The Y-drop design draws attention to the neckline and complements the sharp cut of the dress.

Strapless Gown

Strapless gowns offer versatility in necklace choices. Popular options include:

  • Simple pendants
  • Y-drop designs
  • Chokers
  • Single and double strand necklaces

Each style offers a unique aesthetic, from minimalist elegance with a simple pendant to a more pronounced look with a choker.

Square Top Gown

For the traditional square top gown, opt for a single or double strand necklace. These necklaces provide a striking contrast and draw attention to the neckline, enhancing the gown’s classic shape.

Scoop-necked Gown

A scoop-necked gown pairs well with simple or multi-stranded necklaces. These necklaces frame the neckline beautifully, ranging from one to five strands, and add a sophisticated touch to the overall look.

Halter Top Gown

Halter-top gowns require necklaces that can accentuate both the front and back. Options include:

  • Dangled-back or lariat necklaces
  • Pendant necklaces
  • Y-drop necklaces

These choices help in drawing attention to the detailed design of the halter top.

Sweetheart Gown

A Y-drop necklace is also a superb choice for sweetheart gowns, following the gown’s top edge perfectly. Other suitable options include round necklaces, pendant necklaces, and bridal chokers, each enhancing the romantic curve of the sweetheart neckline.

Off Shoulder Gown

Off-shoulder gowns are flexible when it comes to choosing a necklace. To keep it simple, a single or double stranded necklace works well. For a more dramatic look, a choker or Y-drop necklace can emphasize the shoulders and neckline beautifully.

Additional Tips for Choosing Bridal Jewelry

  • Match the Metal with Your Gown: The color of your gown can dictate the metal color of your jewelry. For instance, ivory gowns pair well with gold, while silver or platinum complements white gowns.
  • Consider the Embellishments: If your gown features pearls, consider a pearl necklace. For crystal embellishments, a crystal necklace can tie the look together.
  • Comfort is Key: Choose a necklace that feels comfortable throughout the event. Avoid overly heavy or irritating designs.


Your bridal necklace is not just an accessory but a key element that completes your wedding day ensemble. By matching the necklace style with the gown’s neckline and considering the overall theme and comfort, you can ensure that your bridal jewelry adds just the right touch of elegance and personality to your special day.