Title: WILL THE EARTH EXPLODE IN A ... TIME ... Arthur ... Author: mailto: ... ... © Arthur Zulu 2002Word Count: 750Web Address: http:
Author: Arthur Zulu
Contact Author: mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com
Copyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002
Word Count: 750
Web Address: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975
Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
By Arthur Zulu
This is not a tale out of the jungle. Nor is it a script of a cave-dwelling bush tribe in some tropical forest. It may turn out to be the tragic story of mankind.
The earth’s population has been steadily on the rise. From one billion in the eighteenth century to over six billion in the twenty-first century. And this increase has gone to exacerbate the poverty, hunger, disease, housing, unemployment and crime crisis. Public infrastructure have reached breaking point.
Consider these reports:
“It is as possible that large portions of the earth will be turned into desert by the pressures of unmanageable population and poverty as by a nuclear holocaust” -- The New York Times.
“The hunger problem today is vastly different from that of the past . . . Now there is so little food in so many parts of the world. …” -- Time Magazine.
“The world is on the verge of a human catastrophe. . . .
whole continents have seen their hopes for the future disappear” --The Guardian.
The situation is so desperate that more than half of the earth’s population is now living below the poverty line, without any hope of survival.
Already in war torn lands, people are eating grasses, insects, and worms, while some are selling their children for food. But the grimmer fact is that these things are now happening in nations not at war. The cold pangs of hunger and death is gripping the poor.
Then comes the big question: Is it true that there is no food to feed the growing population? The answer is a resounding no!
“According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)” reports the Toronto Star, “there is already enough grain grown globally to feed everyone on earth . . . above the minimum acceptable level”. But why
is there no food for the population?
One major problem is the attitude of political rulers. Think of the trillions of dollars spent each year on armaments for prosecuting senseless wars. This is not to talk of the huge sum of money spent by heads of poor countries on white elephant projects like building impressive cathedrals and golden palaces, staging elaborate campaigns and state weddings, including foreign tours and allowances.
The capitalist oriented economies also do not help matters. Desire for profits does not allow for the distribution of food to the needy. Do you even know that some governments pay farmers not to over produce so as not to reduce prices? Even in an attempt not to create surpluses, large quantities of food have been destroyed!
And the war refugees and the hungry meanwhile, are selling their children to survive! No thanks to greed and materialism. Add to this, natural disasters like a major earthquake or hurricane in a densely populated area, and the doomsday clock strikes midnight!
So the problem is not really with the earth, but man. The earth’s land area of over 36 billion acres can still accommodate 15 billion people. This would allow
each person to own two acres of land with enough garden to grow food, and space for forests, mountains, and holiday resorts. Well, that’s the good side of the story.
Now to the bad side. Suppose the world’s population hits
the trillion or zillion! What would happen?
The possibility is not far fetched. Medical advances have reduced infant mortality rates and have greatly increased longevity. Add to this, human cloning and biocryonics, and you will discover that one day all the dead may resurrect from their graves in land and sea.
If that happens, a classic example of the survival of the fittest will be on display. All the earth’s resources will be exhausted!
Then since there will be no space on earth to live, some
will live on tree tops, mountain peaks, caves and hanging gardens. Some will build floating houses and live in the sea, while others will build and live in orbiting space houses.
As for food; leaves, insects, and worms will be their delicacies. And the vast beckoning seas will quench the thirst of water drinkers.
But when these are no longer in supply, they will turn on one another like the story of those lost, starving sailors who killed and ate up themselves. Population explosion has done its worst.
Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved
About the Author:
ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best - selling book,
HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at :
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