Do you have a weekend without anything to do or a weekend when you don’t want to do ... I know what I’d do. I would pack up the truck and head for the woods. Sitting by a camp fire with your fav
Do you have a weekend without anything to do or a weekend when you don’t want to do anything? I know what I’d do. I would pack up the truck and head for the woods. Sitting by a camp fire with your favorite people solves many problems, so you shouldn’t wait too long between fires. My favorite thing to do on a weekend is to camp. Are you looking for an easy way to camp? How about car camping? I love it!
First of all, let’s define car camping? When you can drive your vehicle right up to the camp site, that’s called car camping. Even if you’re driving a truck it’s still called car camping. The advantage of car camping versus primitive or base camping is that you can take anything you want with you. If you want to take a hammock or huge grill or a stack of magazines, you can. Load your car or truck with food, clothing, shelter, bedding, games and anything else you want to take along and get going. It’s really that simple.
So where can you car camp? Just about anywhere. National and state parks don’t allow car camping except in designated campgrounds, other than that, you can car camp virtually anywhere on public lands. The internet is loaded with websites that can help. Start looking at Our Education Center is loaded with up to date camping information.
Here are some things I take along when I car camp: hiking gear, bird watching binoculars and field guide, a radio for music and weather updates, tent, cot, sleeping bag, grill, shovel, fire starting gear, lots of food and drink, first aid kit, a stack of reading material – this can also be used for building a fire – such as newspapers and magazines, rain gear, hammock, dogs and dog food, folding chairs and table, stove, table service and utensils….you get the idea. I take all that I need to be comfortable. If you don’t have these things, don’t fret, all you really need are food, shelter and common sense.
Camping is a great way to renew and strengthen relationships. Take your spouse, your children, your siblings, your friends. Without the distractions of television, telephone, internet and alarm clocks, you will have a wonderful time. I’ll always remember something a dear friend of mine told me years ago, “Time spent in our great outdoors is time added to your life.” That sounds like a good reason to go. Use this information and you’ll Get It Right The First Time.
Get Outdoors!
My Perfect Campsite
It’s the time of year to beat the heat and head for higher elevation. For many people that means loading up the RV, grabbing the boat and finding a campground by the lake. My idea for the perfect getaway means loading the truck with our camping gear and our two Labrador Retrievers and getting as far away from the pavement as we can get. While these two styles are quite different, they are both perfect. Let’s take a look at what makes a campsite perfect for me—and perhaps for you.What to Know When Buying a GPS
Why are GPS units showing up everywhere? You might find one in your rental car, on your wristwatch or even built into your wireless phone. Anti-theft systems use one, heavy construction equipment might use one and having one on your boat now seems to be a requirement. Anytime we want to know our exact location on the face of the Earth, the GPS becomes indispensable. Like many other technologies, feature rich GPS units are now affordable for the average person. So how do you know which one to purchase? Let’s look at few things to consider prior to buying your next GPS unit, but first, what is a GPS unit?Get the Most Out of Your Hike
Hiking is one of life’s great joys. Fresh air, nature, exercise and good friends. It’s difficult to imagine anything better – if you’re prepared. When you’re not prepared properly, it’s difficult to imagine anything worse. If you hike a few hundred yards around your neighborhood or a few hundred miles around the backcountry, use these tips to get the most enjoyment out of your hiking experience.