Choosing the Right Survival Knife for Your Outdoor Trips
Walking and camping in the UK's National Parks is a rewarding and character building experience. However, even when your trips are well planned, unexpected situations can occur. Having a good knife can help you out of a lot of these situations. Here is our guide to buying the right knife for you.
When you are on the trails it is common knowledge that you need to ensure you are appropriately equipped for the adventure you are undertaking. However making sure you have the right knife for your trip is often something that people (wrongly) overlook. There are literally thousands of choices out there and buying one of every type of knife would cost a fortune,

I intend to look at a sample of key knife types available and to offer a guide for which knife should be used for which purposes, such as cutting rope, cutting through undergrowth or gutting that fish for dinner. Picking the right knife for you can be tricky, here are some options for you to consider when purchasing a new knife for the outdoors.Folding Knife – This is generally a small knife that folds into its own handle and allows you to transport in your pocket or pack securely. With easy opening and safety lock present in many modern folding knives, they are a safe and secure when using.Fixed Blade Knives – The fixed blade knife, has a rigid handle and is therefore regarded as more secure than its folding sibling. Fixed blade knives are great for tougher jobs where pressure may need to be applied. When choosing a knife, blade size is going to decide its use, with smaller blades being more suited to technical tasks such as filleting or carving. Machetes- The Machete is a commonly used knife in Latin America and the Caribbean where it is used to cut through undergrowth and agricultural products such as Sugar cane. It is generally much larger than a traditional knife and as such should be used with care, however it provides a great option when large areas of shrubbery need to be cut back.With such a vast choice of knife suppliers to choose from, it can be difficult to choose a good quality supplier. I find that Gerber still remain one of the best on the market and their Gerber Bear Grylls range is of a high quality with plenty of design choices for every situation. The Bear Grylls Ultimate Knife is the jewel in their crown, a rigid fixed blade knife which has a sizeable blade available in serrated and fine edged options. It is perfect for cutting rope, prepping camp or cutting kindling. My own Bear Grylls knife is the Bear Grylls Ultimate knife with serrated edge and I find it a practical solution for most things that I encounter on the trails. The Bear Grylls Parang Machete is excellent for clearing overgrown trails and cutting through larger branches to prep for fires and build shelters.Picking a the right knife for you truly is a personal experience, and a knife that is perfect for one person could be a nightmare for someone else, only you will know which you is the right one for you. I hope this guide has helped and have fun on your survival and camping trips. Stay tuned for more of my outdoor articles coming soon. Please Note - It is illegal to possess or use a knife of any kind in the UK if you are under the age of 18. No knives should be used in public places or to hurt other humans. This article is intended to show the benefits of using a knife in an outdoor environment for personal survival purposes.