Cure A Hook In Golf
If you are unlucky enough to be suffering from a hook in golf you might be wondering if you will ever stop hooking the ball. Like any other golf fault...
If you are unlucky enough to be suffering from a hook in golf you might be wondering if you will ever stop hooking the ball. Like any other golf fault,

once you start hooking, you invariably continue until the cure is found. Sadly, there is no quick cure for a hook in golf, as this golf fault can be located in different parts of the setup and swing. So, find the cause and you get rid of the golf hook. What Is Causing Me To Hook The Ball?The cause could be in the setup or the swing. Let me give you some examples. If you aim is to the right of the target, the ball is too far towards the middle of your stance, and the grip is too tight. All of these together, or in various combinations contribute to a hook in golf. What is happening is you are causing the golf ball to spin from right to left. If you think about how this comes about, it is because you are swinging from too far inside the line of flight. Once you are on this swing path, the club is taken out too far away from the target after impact, instead of in line with it. This is what causes the spin on the ball. If you add to this mix a strong grip, and a closed club face at impact, you have a hook in golf. Show Me How To Cure A Hook In Golf.The best way to eradicate the golfers hook is to understand how the hook happens, and then simple to play the ball square to the target. In practice, that means adopting a square stance, with the feet in line with the intended direction of the shot, and using the correct grip. All you need do is swing the club in line with the target, and follow through straight at the target after impact. By making these simple adjustments to your golf swing you will be well on the way to cure a hook in golf.